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Downloaded the Manual - Some links don't work

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I have downloaded the manual "Macro Express Pro-Gall Windows Automation Tool). I have found some links that are not working. Here's an example, some that work and some that do not:

Works - Defining Variables (See the Variable Set StringVariable Set Integer and Variable Set Decimal commands,)

Does not work - Create the a New Variable (Step by Step Instructions). This is the link code javascript:kadovTextPopup(this). 


I always download the manuals I'm working with, because it makes it easier for me to cross out unnecessary information and add additional information if needed. All of my manuals are loaded into that Microsoft Office Desktop OneNote. 



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It doesn't help with annotation, but the help file should have most of what you need. 

You should report broken links to ISS.

I don't think "Step by step instructions"? is intended to be a link. It's the title of the box with the step-by-step instructions. 

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