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Extended F keys?

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Of course. For instance in the Text Type command one just clicks the Misc Keys button or you can manually type like "<F24>".


BTW 13 - 24 Fn keys aren't a native key, they're mode-modified native key like using Ctrl or Alt with a number to get a special character. There were several versions but most never really adopted them back in the day, but Windows does support them. Just wanted to let you know that only the command for any physical key is sent and there is support for modifiers. It's a concept sometimes useful when using things like the Text Type command. and how one enters mode modifier keys. You might think you're typing typing the number 4, but really the keyboard is sending a shift modifier then the 4 key which is then interpreted as a dollar sign on a US keyboard. Most times in Text Type you can enter just a dollar sign, but in other cases it's helpful to know how the system actually receives input from the keyboard.  

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