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How To Have Random Mouse Movements


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hi there


if i am using macroexpress to demonstrate something and i want it to look natural, how do i program it to have random mouse movements between commands.

For example lets say i record a capture and click one thing, wait for a bit, and then click another thing.


I then set this to repeat, but it looks awfully mechanical. I would like there to be smoe random movements between the two commands around the screen so it looks more natural, not just on a circuit..


many thanks


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Can't think of anything more natural than capturing your mouse movements and clicks as you are making them. I suppose that you could speed up and slow down the macro execution at different points in the captured macro, but I am not sure that would help much.


Most people want the opposite, which is a straight-line movement from point A to point B.

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Can't think of anything more natural than capturing your mouse movements and clicks as you are making them. I suppose that you could speed up and slow down the macro execution at different points in the captured macro, but I am not sure that would help much


He probably wants to make the cursor move smoothly from item to item, instead of Macex's "instant" jumps. Also, some programs with drop down menus don't work properly if you don't move the mouse in a "human" way.


Anyway, a macro called Schmoooove already exists which should do what you need:


User Submitted Macro - Schmoooove


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