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Size Limit In Processing A Data File?


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I'm feeling rejected. :(

I keep getting kicked out of Macro Express and can't figure out why.


"CaseList.txt" is a data file that another macro generates.

* Each variable is in quotes and separated from others with commas.

* Field 3 in each record contains a number which we only use as text.

* Field 5 is sometimes over 250 characters long.

* Some of records can be over 300 characters in total length.


//Enter search term - a no.from 1000 to 4000999

Variable Set String %T91% from Prompt

ASCII File Begin Process: "CaseList.txt" (Comma Delimited Text )

//Mx test for a record where 3rd field's value = T91

If Variable %T3% = variable %T91%

Variable Set Integer %N99% to 1



End If

Pause: Basic

ASCII File End Process


When I run the macro, just after the process starts, I get kicked out of ME all together. However, it seems that if I create another CaseList.txt file manually and keep it small, the macro works.


Are there size limits to text variables assembled with "append" commands?


Are there some size limits to record size?


Is there some other reason for getting kicked out during an ASCII file process?


Thanks for any ideas!


Jeffrey R. Mazor

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For those who may be reading this, Jeffery and I worked on this directly. This is a report on the results:

Are there size limits to text variables assembled with "append" commands?

Are there some size limits to record size?

No. There are no size limits.


Is there some other reason for getting kicked out during an ASCII file process?
Macro Express is crashing because of a problem with the format of the input data. The ASCII File Begin Process command does not allow embedded Carriage Returns (new lines) within a field. Each record needs to take up one and only one line.
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