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Posts posted by frateg8r

  1. In my script to enter clipboard data into a COBOL app, I had to insert a delay in the keystroke speed in order to get the tab sequences correct. While it works fine on full speed in other apps, such as MS OneNote, the COBOL app is rather finicky. However, the 75ms delay is a bit obnoxious.

    <VARIABLE SET TO ASCII CHAR Value="9" Destination="%Tab%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET TO ASCII CHAR Value="8" Destination="%Backspace%"/>
    <KEYSTROKE SPEED Delay="75"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x02" Destination="%AWBSTRING%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="%AWBSTRING%"/>


    Is there any means of inserting some sort of variable, such as the ASCII characters, or a control, or pause/delay, into the string that is being typed out? I assume because ME correctly interprets the variables, there would also be some way to encode other controls. I would think a pause, or "wait for" timing instruction, between the &tab& commands might solve the problem more effectively than the slowed down keystroke speed.


    Here's the data that is pulled off the clipboard and set as the string variable:


    Something like a %tab%%pause%%tab%, is what I suppose I'm looking for.

  2. Thank you all! I did change the VBA output to reflect the MEP variable names for the ASCII codes


    and set the TAB and BACKSPACE commands accordingly. Here's the winning script (I had to add a delay due to the COBOL app being a little on the slow side):

    <VARIABLE SET TO ASCII CHAR Value="9" Destination="%Tab%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET TO ASCII CHAR Value="8" Destination="%Backspace%"/>
    <KEYSTROKE SPEED Delay="25"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x02" Destination="%AWBSTRING%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="%AWBSTRING%"/>

    I appreciate everyone's input - it got me on the right track!

  3. I need to enter data in a Windows app (COBOL based). The app is designed such that tabbing is required to move from field to field for data entry in each field. I'd like to generate the data for the app from Excel, using VBA to send it to the clipboard. I can script the VBA such that both the data elements and some sort of tab key indicator are present, but what I can't figure out is how to get ME to interpret the tab key designator and write it to a macro, along with the data, and then play that macro into the COBOL app.


    For example, I can create this line: {#key BACKSPACE#}{#key BACKSPACE#}{#key TAB#}72422346833{#key TAB#}WAW22080013{#key TAB#}{#key TAB#}{#key TAB#}{#key TAB#}1{#key TAB#}{#key TAB#}.


    In the sample above, the keystroke indicators are from a different app, but hopefully self-explanatory.


    With the above on the clipboard, I'd like to use a hot key, have ME import/process the data to convert the keystroke instruction to something ME understands, then replay the string of data with the proper keystrokes instead of literally typing out {#key , etc.


    Can anyone provide at least some initial guidance? I can easily figure out how to send the clipboard data to keystrokes, but not with the special keys being used.


    Edit: as an alternative to using the clipboard, I could use VBA to send the data to a text file, Excel file, or .csv file, but would still need to process it so ME could send the correct keystrokes.

  4. OK, probably real simple, but I can't figure it out. I recorded a playable macro using the Generate_an_Internet_Login_A macro provided elsewhere, that starts IE and signs in to the specific page. Now, I need to have that file (.mxe) run from another macro that I am building. However, it won't show up in the list of macros in the Run Macro option, and it does not run as a program, so I'm lost as to how to accomplish that. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  5. I have established string variable T1 from the clipboard:

    Variable Set String %T1% from Clipboard


    In this case, the clipboard contains a four digit number, such as 4744.


    At a later point in my macro, I ask ME to append text to the variable, being the letters ID. This code is scripted as:

    Variable Modify String: Append "ID" to %T1%


    The next line should then type out the modified variable as 4744ID:

    Text Type: %T1%


    However, what invariably (pseudo-pun intended!) is the original form of the variable, 4744. Can anyone shed some light on why my desired revised variable is typing out? TIA.



  6. Hi everyone - long time ME user first time hitting the boards (spend most of my time w/ Excel, haven't really put much in to ME yet)....my first attempt at writing a (non-VBA) macro, as opposed to recording it (which produces a similar undesired result) is not working. It's a simple starting point for something eventually a bit more complex to be incorporated in to my Excel automation (sorry to ramble).


    Anyway, based on a post I found, I used


    Text Type: <ALT> F
    Text Type: O


    Now, when I do this manually in Paperport, it works fine - opens the selected document. But when I run it via macro, it first opens the FILE menu, then minimizes the window! But the document does not get opened. When I ran it from Windows Explorer, same result.


    Can anyone shed some light on my newbie shortcomings?




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