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Posts posted by maya

  1. Good advice rberq.

    I went through a reboot, because I think there were not enough delays... at one point for some reason, the macro wanted to paste text into the chrome browser, even though chrome was not open.


    Took Alan's advice and introduced some more delays. At least I was able to go make a coffee while the PC did it's thing. A bit slow, but beats the hell out of doing things manually.

    Here's the end macro:



    There is an additional ENTER after the CTRL S, because a warning dialog was popping up when saving the file via wordpad (that file was being saved as a txt file)


    Thanks again Alan for putting me on the right logic path.

    The macro can be improved for sure, but for my needs, it'll do just fine!

  2. Thanks Alan.

    You've provided me some good logic paths to follow (especially the last two lines)

    Would ME quit byitself after processing the last file in a folder or would it loop through around and try to re-edit?

    Oh wait... I suppose I could put this whole thing in a repeat loop for the amount of files to process : -)


    Meanwhile, as I was experimenting, here's what I did as a stop-gap solution and of course had to run the macro manually 100 times.

    The tag <metadata> comes exactly 145 lines later, so this is not the most elegant way to do it, but for now that's what I've been doing.





    I'll try and refine it using what you've provided above.

    Many thanks!

  3. Hi All.

    So i'm challenged in the logic dept and more into animation.

    I'm looking for a way to this:

    1) I have a folder of about 100 files containing text formatted in xml. The files are for example: "Test_1.xml" to "Test_100.xml"

    2) I'd like to look for the first occurrence of the tag/text <metadata> and delete all text preceding that tag.

    3) Then, paste the contents of a previously copied block of xml from the clipboard (which I'll manually copy to the clipboard) into the file from the first line in the file Text.xml - So basically the clipboard text is replacing the previously deleted block in Test_1.xml.

    4) Once that is done, the macro will go down to the next file in the folder and repeat steps 2 and 3 until it reaches the end of the folder. (file Test_100.xml)


    I don't mind sending a paypal fiver or more, and would be happy if the macro itself is posted here for the community.

    Kind Regards.


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