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  1. allstarleb's post in Lookup only business days was marked as the answer   
    Actually never mind guys lol it was pretty easy, I create a date variable, then I subtract 31 days from that date variable and make a 1 month old date variable. I then if an IF statement that if the days are Sat/sunday then add 2 extra days. I could also theoretically do the same for holidays too.
    Sharing with everyone just incase anyone else had this issue. f
  2. allstarleb's post in activating a window was marked as the answer   
    Hey Cory,
    I found the solution, it wasn't on the forum. I noticed the forum's search function kinda sucks and it gives me many pointless hits. So I always ask because if you know, then great, if you don't then it's all good. If someone asks something and I know I always like to share the information because you don't really lose anything and if I am in their shoes i'd like to have someone just save me time and give me the information directly (more efficient).
    So the solution was simply to just delete the parts you are not using. So if the window is "Inbox - email@email.com - Outlook" I would just have "- Outlook" as the window to be selected. Not perfect but close enough, very improbable that another window will be active that also has that ending. You can even have if window = "Inbox - " and "- Outlook" then do this... that way you can be "extra" sure it's the right window.
    I'll mark my own post solved hehe
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