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Posts posted by BarryLight

  1. Can Macro Express Pro start a new Chrome incognito window, and then log into a Gmail acct (inserting the username and password, when requested)?


    If the answer is yes, I would appreciate any tips about how to do that.


    Thank you for any help you can give me.


  2. 1. Printed copy of Manual. I'm new to MacroExpress 6 (not having used Macro Express for about 6 or 7 years, but I loved it when I used it).

    I would like to print out and read a manual.

    Is it possible to get a printable manual w/o my going thru the tedious task of printing out each page in the Help file?


    Approx 12 clipboard commands appear in the script editor's list of commands, and I had the impression (from trying to read the 4 pages of help) that not all the 12 clipboard commands are explained in the help. (I confess that it's hard for me to read a lot on-screen because of poor vision.)



    2. How can I get clipboard text, and assign it to a variable;

    and where can I find the information about this in the help (or in a printable manual, if there is one)?


    3. How can I paste a text variable into the windows clipboard;

    and where can I find the information about this in the help (or in a printable manual, if there is one)?


    4. If Macro Express still allows the user to create .mxe files, can the Mxe files accept arguments similar to the way vbscript accepts arguments;

    and where can I find the information about this in the help (or in a printable manual, if there is one)?


    Thanks for any help you can give me.



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