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Macro Express Forums


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Posts posted by Rich

  1. I appreciate that Joe, and I will be careful. I have been experimenting with a macro that waits for a control, then executes a few simple commands. The performance of the macro was erratic. That's what lead to my previous post because I was concerned I had corrupted something. I was saving my changes to the macro but leaving the scripting editor open. It turns out that if I close the editor completely the macro performs as desired. Is that normal ME functionality, or is there a problem?

  2. Hi group,

    I am a new ME user running XP Professional SE. I have already found lots of uses for this wonderful tool & I have already made lots of mistakes :rolleyes: like testing a macro that requires a test window without a test window open, trying to append a file already open in another application, simple, stupid mistakes that I bet other newbees have made too.


    Question: What mistakes, operations, commands if any should I avoid to prevent potential long term problems, or is ME and XP good enough at error traping that there is limited risk?


    Thanks in advance.

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