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Macro Express Forums

Tim Osborn

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Posts posted by Tim Osborn

  1. Thanks for the responses.


    I think in order to do this right, MacroExpress needs another mode of activation......


    "Any Window Title Except".


    This would allow one to write a macro that would be activated when any program except the one the user specifies gains focus. That way, you could instruct MacroExpress to disable a floating menu when any program, other than the one it is meant for, has focus. This is a parallel concept to the "Global Except" scope category.


    To the developers: What is the chance of adding an "Any Window Title Except" activation category in the near future?




    Tim Osborn (still in 30 day trial of MacroExpress)

  2. On April 1, Leo asked the following Question, which apparently received no response:


    I can get a floating menu to automatically launch when I open a program that I want those menu commands to be associated with. This is easily achieved using the Window Title activation method - great feature! Now, is there any way to get the floating toolbar to automatically close when the program it is associated with is minimized or closed?


    I have the exact same question. For many years I have used a great macro/automation program called OncClick on the Classic Macintosh (OS9). In OneClilck, when you specify that the scope of a floating menu is specific to a particular program, OneClick automatically enables the menu when the program is launched, disables the the menu when the program loses focus, re-enables the menu when the program regains focus, and finally disables the menu when the program is closed.


    Like Leo, I can get the floating menu enabled upon program launch, but the rest of it eludes me. Can the above described behavior be programmed with MacroExpress?




    Tim Osborn

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