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Posts posted by champgm

  1. Why do you do this?

    Variable Modify Integer: Inc (%N1%)

    When I tried to put a file processing loop inside of another one, it got stuck in the one inside and kept repeating there and wouldn't move onto the next line in the first file.


    (and in order to merge the text files, i'd need to do it with ME, which would require me to process 2 files at the same time which is where the problem is, I guess)



    OH. I see, incrementing N1 makes it start at line N1 instead of simply incrementing where it was last. THAT's the part I was missing. Thanks!

  2. I've got two text files. One has the path of a list of files, about 5,600 of them. The other has folder names in which each file belongs. Here's an example of both:




    1750 Springhill Avenue
    1750 Springhill Avenue
    185 Louiselle Street
    1855 Springhill Ave. - The Orthopaedic Group
    192 Louiselle Street
    192 Louiselle Street
    192 Louiselle Street
    192 Louiselle Street


    I need a way to process both files at the same time so I can get the first variable from each file, and use them both to move the file to a new folder. I can do all of that, it's just getting the two variables at the same time that I'm having problems with. Can anyone help?


    An easy workaround might be to merge the two text files together, each line in one file corresponding to its mate in the other file, seperated by something like a comma. But I'm not really sure how to do that, either.

  3. Heh. Your post made me think. Just fooling around, I decided to make a mouse-restriction macro. At first, I kept the cursor in a 100x100 box, so you could still move it around some, but couldn't get outside of set boundaries. That didn't work so well, you could get outside of the box momentarily; while ME was running a loop to check if you were outside of the right boundary, you could go outside of the top boundaries or left one for a moment, only to be snapped back inside when it came around to check that position.


    Instead, I settled for a macro that first checks mouse position and then goes into a an infinate loop of setting the mouse position to that first one. Instead of a mouse trap, it's more of a mouse lock now.


    I'm not real sure if it'll be of any use, but I thought it might come in handy.


  4. I've been working with macro express for about 4-5 years but I just found this forum so I don't know if this is common knowledge or if it even deserves its own thread here, but there's some nice stuff you can do with that prompt box and a url or two.


    Really, all you have to do is set a string variable from a prompt, and then use it in parameters for your favorite browser. I use maxthon, so here's an example of my google one:


    <TVAR2:01:02:FGoogle what?FFCenter:Center>
    <TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000: +>
    <TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000: "%22>
    <LAUNCHDEL2:0:01C:\Program Files\Maxthon\Maxthon.exe<PARAM>http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&q=%T1%>


    See? It's that easy. Here's a few URLs to get you started on making your own:

    Google: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...ie=UTF-8&q=%T1%

    Dictionary.com: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=%T1%

    UrbanDictionary: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%T1%&f=1

    Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%T1%


    And there's plenty more. Practically anything you can think of that uses a search function will have this sort of URL somewhere along the way. With that URL, you can create for yourself a direct shortcut straight to the results you want. Isn't ME great?

  5. ((Yay, my first post ^_^))


    I've kept this as a personal project for a long time. I really got kind of tired of how hard it was to show people things on my screen. My script, however, uses two other programs in addition to ME. The first, Irfanview, you can get from here: http://irfanview.com/ and the second, FlashFXP, though it costs money, is one of the few pieces of software that I don't regret paying for (http://www.inicom.net/pages/en.ffxp-home.php)


    I don't mean to be a grouch or anything, but I found the ftp commands in ME to be slow and unresponsive. Maybe it was just me, but this macro I made to get around them executes in less than five seconds (the only real delay is the time it takes you to upload your screencap to your host).


    Here's the code:

    <LAUNCHDEL2:0:01C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe<PARAM>F:\screencap\screencap.bmp /convert=F:\screencap\screencap.%T1%>
    <TEXTTYPE:=url to my hosting=/screencap.html>


    and a screencap...


    What it does is wait for me to press alt+insert (or ctrl+alt+insert, that one takes a screencap of only the window in focus)

    It then hits printscreen (or alt printscreen, as the case may be)

    sets a variable to .gif (I was playing around with this, it was an easy way to pick a different file extension if I wanted/needed it, it's really unnecessary)

    Then, it saves the clipboard to an image

    Then, runs irfanview with parameters F:\screencap\screencap.bmp /convert=F:\screencap\screencap.%T1% (Because the clipboard does NOT like saving to a gif file.)

    And then runs flashfxp with parameters F:\screencap\screencap.fqf which is a queue file. All you have to do to create one of these is put your screencap picture in a queue, and then, in flashfxp, pick "queue"->"save queue"

    Then finally, it copies the direct link to my screencap onto the clipboard for easy use in AIM conversations etc.


    On my webspace, I set up a simple html file to show the gif file and anything else I might want (at one time, I had more than one computer that could take screenshots, they would save as screencap1,2,3, and the HTML file would show them one after the other. Right now though, it's just showing 1.


    Also, in options, preferences, transfer, and finally "on transfer completely" you can set flash fxp to close after transfers are done. I did this so that it loads up, transfers the queue file, and then closes immediately.


    I've also been thinking about setting up a macro to open the screencap file in mspaint before it uploads, so you could perhaps circle or underline something important, or even crop some things out, then when you close mspaint or hit a button the macro continues with the newly changed file. Also, I have a shell extension that lets you copy the path of any file by just right clicking and picking it from the opened menu, I've been thinking about making a macro that prompts for a path, and then uploads that file to my host and gives me a direct URL to it.

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