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Posts posted by Shiny

  1. Is the problem that you have that variable name in both the macro you are running and in the macros you are editing? Have you tried changing the name of the variable in the macro you are running?


    I don't think I have the problem you are describing. I want to have this code to show up in a textbox

    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%integerX%" Value1="%topLeftX%" Value2="%halfX%"/>

    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%integerY%" Value1="%topLeftY%" Value2="%halfY%"/>


    Here is the textbox:

    <UPDATE TEXTBOX Header="The Code" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option=\"\\\\x00\" Destination=\"%integerX%\" Value1=\"%topLeftX%\" Value2=\"%halfX%\"/>\r\n\\par <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option=\"\\\\x00\" Destination=\"%integerY%\" Value1=\"%topLeftY%\" Value2=\"%halfY%\"/>\r\n\\par \\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n"/>



    I need %integerX% to not show up as the value of %integerX%, but instead I need it to show up as plain text (show up as what it is: " %integerX% " ). This way, I can copy and paste the code into my other scripts I am working on.


    And %halfX% to show up as the value of what it is.


    UPDATE: I think I understand what you are trying to say. I will try it now.

    The problem is I integer %topLeftX% in most of my code as a screen coordinating reference variable. Even the textbox that I want to display itself uses this variable to position the textbox. I cannot put the text "%topLeftX%" inside the textbox without it showing up the integer value.


    Update: I resolved it with adding a dash after the variable name like this: %integerX-%. Though I will have to delete the dash after I copy and paste the code into my other scripts. Thanks Cory. I got the idea from your comment.

  2. Help! I am writing a script to helps me write other scripts. I require a floating textbox that has a code so I can copy and paste into my dozens of other scripts.

    But I cannot use // %integer%, the textbox would show the value of the integer instead of plain text.


    I have tried using // %textvariable%

    and textvariable = %integer%, but that didn't work either.


    Please? IS there any possible method?




  3. I was doing a google search and a forum search and this thread is exactly what I was looking for. I wish Macro Express Pro would have this option Relative to user defined coordinate. The relative to control have very limited options, like get mouse position does not have relative to control. With relative to user defined coordinate, Macro Express Pro would be a lot more flexible to work with.

  4. Hello. Thank you for replying and I am sorry for the late reply as I have not been on this forum. That is nice that I am not the only one who wants variable cleanups. I don't have anything similar to put all used variables in a list. I never thought about listing them manually, I only tried to go through the variables in my head, which is so hard.

    But now you gave an idea. I will attempt to write a script that loads my list of variables and check to see if the variable is inside the exported script. Thanks.


    I think MEP should run the script virtually in order to find which variables are used in the script, lists them, and allow us to confirm deletion of unused variables.

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