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Posts posted by gagangoomer

  1. Thanks for the replying Samrae.


    I checked both the macro's mentioned above but couldn't get a menu with compulsory value. I was able to cancel the MCM without a value and even click the OK button w/t any value.


    Mentioned below is the script which i piced from this macro.


    // Multiple Choice Menu example
    Multiple Choice Menu: Windows Type
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "A"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "2000"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "B"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "XP"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "C"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "Server 2003"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "D"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "Vista"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "E"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "Server 2008"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "F"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "7"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "G"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "Server 2012"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "H"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "8"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "I"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "Server 2012 R2"
    End If
    If Variable %T[1]% Contains "J"
    Variable Set String %T[3]% to "8.1"
    End If
    Text Box Display: Windows Type

    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // Done
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    Text Box Display: Sample Macro: %MacroName%
    Unlock Keyboard and Mouse

  2. The above script will return all the values which i've called in %Result% through Wscript.Echo command(i.e. caseid and fln). Does this means in order to print each value seperatly i need to capture each value in a different variable.


    Wscript.Echo caseid will be retured in %Result%

    Wscript.Echo fln will be retured in %Result1%


    or is there a way through which we can retreive all the values seperatly.

  3. Here's another Question on the board :)


    I've capture certain info by using object in IE and stored them in a External script (ES) variable.

    Dim IE
    Dim URLFound
    Dim ObjORS
    Dim fln
    Call Look_For_URL
    If URLFound = True Then
                    IE.Visible = True
                    fln = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_hypWandFLN").innerHTML
                    Caseid = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_lblCaseID").innerHTML
                    date = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_lblCaseID").innerHTML
                    Status = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_lblCaseID").innerHTML
                    Wscript.Echo fln
                    Wscript.Echo Caseid
    End If

    Above script will return value in a variable %Result%. When i call %Result% it will show the values which i've called in script through Wscript.echo command. My question : Is there any way i can use the able values captured in another External script. I'm creating a new e-mail via ES option and want to pass the values retrieved from %Result%.


    'Script from Body of the mail.


    strMsg = "Case id : " %Result%

    "FLN # " %Result%


    objMail.body = strMsg


  4. Here's another Question on the board :)


    I've capture certain info by using object in IE and stored them in a External script (ES) variable.

    Dim IE
    Dim URLFound
    Dim ObjORS
    Dim fln
    Call Look_For_URL
    If URLFound = True Then
                    IE.Visible = True
                    fln = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_hypWandFLN").innerHTML
                    Caseid = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_lblCaseID").innerHTML
                    date = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_lblCaseID").innerHTML
                    Status = IE.document.getElementById("ETSMaster_MainContentPlaceHolder_ETSHeader_pnlHeaderInfo_lblCaseID").innerHTML
                    Wscript.Echo fln
                    Wscript.Echo Caseid
    End If

    Above script will return value in a variable %Result%. When i call %Result% it will show the values which i've called in script through Wscript.echo command. My question : Is there any way i can use the able values captured in another External script. I'm creating a new e-mail via ES option and want to pass the values retrieved from %Result%.


    'Script from Body of the mail.


    strMsg = "Case id : " %Result%


    objMail.body = strMsg

  5. Thanks for Replying Cory & Samrae.

    Repeat Until %Choice% Equals ""
      Multiple Choice Menu: Make Your Choice
    End Repeat

    @Cory, I'm using the above simple code in for my macro.


    @ Samrae, I used your code but even after giving the input the macro doesn't stops. Seems like it gets into infinate loop til the user will press escape to get rid of it.


    The same code i used for the prompt command and it was working perfectly fine. I believe there must be a way by which we can use it for MCM as well.


    Another question which comes to my mind related to this. Can we execute another setup of code if the user clicks on the cancel button by over coming the default functionality of the button to Halt the macro ?

  6. Hi Everyone,


    Is there any way we can use the Repeat Until command to accept a value from user in a Multiple Choice Menu. Till the time user doesn't select any value( Single Choice or Multiple Choice) the MCM doesn't gets disappear.


    I tried Equal to / Doesn't Equal > 0 to option but it doesn't works.


    Thanks in advance !



  7. Cory, I tested the above macro. When i run the macro it doesn't do anything but it seems like the macro is still running. As i noticed the moving man icon in the taskbar exits but i'm still getting option in ME to stop the macro(even after the macro is finished). I only get an option to pause the macro even stop button is not working. Not sure why it is acting so wierd. Ultimatelly i'd to shutdown ME to get rid of this issue.



    any thoughts ?

  8. Is there any command to check the current version of the software. I'm using shortcut keys in a macro to add some text in the header and footer part of MS Word. The shortcut keys differ in MS word 2003 version and MS word 2007+ version.


    I tried using the Get File Version command and specified the path of the Word Document but it returns 0:0:0:0. Not sure why it is not returing MS word 2003 or 2007 instead.


    Secondly is there any command to check the version fo the file through its title.


    Thanks for replying !



  9. Cory,


    I've used the below code to check the mouse pointer. It moves the pointer to the progress bar area of the application and wait till the time the app gets the focused back from the server. Once it gets the focus back it execute the next set of code. The color code 14215660 is blue color.

    Mouse Move: 484, 729 Relative to Current Window
    Get Pixel Color from Beneath the Mouse into %N[1]%
    Repeat Until %N[1]% Equals "14215660"
      Mouse Move: 484, 729 Relative to Current Window
      Delay: 50 milliseconds
    End Repeat

    Any Suggestion ??

  10. I'm able to capture the value from an External script option and pass the value to another variable by using "Wscript.Echo %test%" command


    How can i pass the value captured in %test% via ME to another app.


    Here's a brief about the scnerio.


    1) Input box to capture value from user (%test)%

    2) Use External script (setup a connection to another app) and pass the value captured above to the connected app.


    I've tried the above command(Wscript.Echo %test%) but not getting results. Any suggestions ??

  11. Cory,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I found a macro(umRGBColorEvaluator.mex). This macro tells you the color location of your mouse pointer. If you go through the script you'll find all the color combinations we can get through using RGB. When i run the macro it shows most of the time results as White color only.

    Also you mentioned for Black color the color combination would be 255,255,255 where as in the macro script it is mentioned as 0,0,0.Unluckely i don't have the option to send you the script so i've attached the snapshot for your reference.
    I tried to attach the snapshot of the script but the editor is not letting me to that as well.So i've mentioned the simple script for your reference.

    <GET PIXEL COLOR Option="\x01" Rel_To_Screen="TRUE" X="482" Y="749" Destination="%pixel_color%"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x12" Time="300"/>
    <END IF/>
    <REPEAT START Start="1" Step="1" Count="200" Save="FALSE"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="100"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%pixel_color%" Condition="\x01" Value="255" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <END IF/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 Color Matched\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>


  12. Cory,


    I've found the code to activate a particular window through VBA. But when i put the code under external script and run it doesn't works. I know there are certain functions/ methods which vba supports but vb script doesn't.


    Through the below code you can activate a particular window. EX. In the below code it activate the window with urls as Google. It checks the string "Google" in the url and once it finds it maximize the window.

    Declare Function apiShowWindow Lib "user32" Alias "ShowWindow" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long
    Global Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3
    Global Const SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2
    Global Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
    Sub getIE()
    Dim IE_Tab As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
    Dim SH_Win As SHDocVw.ShellWindows
    Dim T_Str As String
    Set SH_Win = New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
    For Each IE_Tab In SH_Win
        T_Str = IE_Tab.LocationURL
        If InStr(T_Str, "Google") > 0 Then
             IE_Tab.Visible = True
             apiShowWindow IE_Tab.hwnd, SW_MAXIMIZE
             '   do something
        End If
    Set IE_Tab = Nothing
    Set SH_Win = Nothing
    End Sub

    I'll appriciate if someonce can help me converting this script to work as VB script.





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