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Posts posted by jason

  1. You can click on the Advanced Tab in the Activate and Launch command. This will give you three options if the window does not appear within the time limit:

    1-Stop the Macro

    2-Continue Macro

    3-Prompt for Action.


    1) This is the default action. It will abort the macro.

    2) This will basically skip the launch and activate command if the time limit passes.

    3) Will ask you if you want to continue or cancel the macro.

  2. The Wait For Window Title command has two options. One is to wait indefinitely, and the other is to wait for a certain time period. If you wait indefinitely, the macro will wait until the window has lost focus even if it is several days. If you wait for a time period, the macro will abort if the condition is not true. Instead you should try using the If Window Title On Top and If Not Window Title On Top commands in a repeat loop. Below is an example of the code that I used to test the condition. You will need to modify the delays to fit your time allotment.


    Repeat Until %N1% = 60
     Delay 10 Seconds
     If Not Window Title "notepad" on top
       Text Box Display: Test
       // The break command will exit out of the loop if the Window loses focus, otherwise
       // it will continue on until %N1% = 60
     End If
     If Window Title "notepad" is on top
     If Variable %N1% = 60
       Text Box Display: Test
     End If
     Variable Modify Integer: %N1% = %N1% + 1
    Repeat End

  3. Mouse move commands require that everything be the same every time. When a mouse move command is issued, it does check to see what is under it before it clicks a mouse button. This means that the icons must be in the same location, and the screen resolution must be the same. If these do not remain constant, the macro runs the chance of failing. If you are using the mouse to move to a program icon to double click on it to run the program, you should instead try using the Launch and Activate command found under Window/Program in the Commands list found in the Scripting Editor. There are several examples of macros available for download on the Macro Express website: http://www.macros.com/share.htm.

  4. When scripting the macro, you will need to use the Control Down, Control Up, Alt Down, Alt Up etc... They can be found in the Text Type command, or individually in the Keyboard Category of the Commands list.


    I created the below code for MSWord:

    // Bold
    Control Key Down
     Text Type: b
    Control Key Up
    Text Type: the brown cow
    // Bold & Italics
    Control Key Down
     Text Type: i
    Control Key Up
    Text Type:  jumped over the moon
    // Disable text formatting
    Control Key Down
     Text Type: ib
    Control Key Up

  5. You could use the Multiple Choice Box to set a Repeat With Variable loop. The Multiple Choice box would need to have two options. A Yes and No. If the answer is yes, you could set variable N1 to 1, if the answer was no, you could set the variable to 0. As long as the varible equals 0 the macro will continue, but once it equals 1 it will exit the loop and continue on with the macro.

  6. Click on Options and then select Preferences. Click on the ShortKeys option on the left. If Prefix is selected without any prefix keys, the macro will fire off whenever it sees a ShortKey activation.


    Your options are:

    -Enter a prefix key such as ##. This will requre you to use the prefix to activtate the

    the macro whenever you wish to use it (e.g. ##e to type out and).

    -Switch to suffix activation. This will activate the macro after you press the Space or

    Enter key, but will not launch if the letter is at the end of a word (e.g. e will be

    replaced by "and", free will remain "free").


    It is important to note that if an activation is found in a ShortKey, it will launch that macro at the end of the macro.

  7. You can set a scheduled macro by clicking on Macros and then selecting New Macro from the Macro Explorer. When prompted for the activation, select Schedule. You will then be given several options on when you want the macro to run. Some of the options are Daily, at startup and other which will allow you to customize the activation time. For specifics on each option, click on the Help button.

  8. The macro should be looking for the text Nordea, USD sag and slettet. If if sees any one of those words, it should delete the email when using the OR statement.


    If you use the AND statement, it will require all of the conditions to be true instead of just condition.

  9. You might try something like this:


    Change Directory/Folder: c:\name\of\directory\you\want\to\start\in

    Copy value from Excel spreadsheet

    Variable Set String from Clipboard into %Tx%

    Program Launch: <.bat file that creates folder>

    Delay 1 Second (I found that without this delay, the Rename Folder command executed too soon.)

    Rename Folder: c:\name\of\directory\you\want\to\start\in\%Tx%

  10. Macros can be exported and shared between computers that have Macro Express installed on them, but Macro Express macros require that at least a licensed copy of the Macro Express Player be installed on the computer. The player can be installed by using the custom installation feature by unchecking the option to install the Macro Express Editor. You will most likely want to uncheck the option to not install the icons or quick start guide.

  11. The hotkey option to pause a macro can be selected by clicking on Options and then selecting Preferences. Once in the Preferences Window, click on Playback Options. The options to pause a macro are: Win+`, Pause, Break. <ESC> cannot be used as it is not one of the options.


    Instead of using the keyboard and mouse to select the option, you could use the Multiple Choice Box or Variable Set Integer command to select the case that you wish to use.

  12. I need to correct a mistake from my earlier post. The hotkey to suspend and resume Macro Express is Cntrl+Alt+Shift+U. This command will not stop a macro, it only prevents macros from running while it is suspended.


    The hotkey to pause a macro is Win+`. This can be changed by clicking on Options|Preferences and selecting the Playback Option. A macro can then be resumed by pressing Cntrl+Alt+Shift+Y. If the macro activates by hotkey, you may also resume the macro by pressing the hotkey.


    If you enter the Win+` into the script, it may pause the macro, but you would not be able to continue. You can use the Macro Run command within a macro to run another macro. This would run Macro A until it got to that line of code, run Macro B in it's entirety, and then finish Macro A.

  13. You can suspend Macro Express by right clicking on the Macro Express icon in the system tray and selection Suspend Macro Express from the pop-up window. You can then resume Macro Express by right clicking on the system tray icon and selecting Resume Macro Express. You can also use Cntrl+Alt+Shft+Y to suspend and resume Macro Express.


    If you wish to pause a macro while it's running, the hotkey is Win+`. You can then resume the macro by pressing the hotkey activation again.

  14. Without seeing your macro, I'm guessing at exactly what you are doing, but if you are using a Text Type command to enter the P, you should change it to a lower case p. Using the uppercase P simualtes the keypress of <Shift>P.

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