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Macro Express Forums


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  1. When I try running a macro from the command line absolutely nothing happens. No error message no results. I've tried multiple macros, including one system macro. Examples: macexp.exe /A"Terminate Macro Express" macexp.exe /ATerminate Macro Express macexp.exe /A::C:\Users\Fulfillment\Documents\Insight Software\macex.mex?Test Must be something simple I'm not doing?
  2. Thank you for the swift response! Inquiry to ISS has been submitted
  3. I'm in the process of setting up a new laptop. It's not quite ready for production yet but we just purchased a license for my existing laptop. If I register Macro Express Pro on my existing (old) laptop will I be able to transfer it to my new laptop without having to jump through hoops?
  4. I'm evaluating Macro Express and noticed that when I use a Mouse Click on Control prior to a Text Type (simulating keystroke <F5>) in SQl Server Management Studio, it stops the Text Type from functioning. When I remove the Mouse Click on Control function the Text Type function works. Is there a reason for this?
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