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Everything posted by calee

  1. Basically, I only have 1 place that will populate the ID and the window title is (Exact # of characters, spacing, as below): Full title: ABC Processing Database ABCFrog User ZXCZX General ID 9876543 When I click the "..." in window title, Macro picks up: "ABC Processing Database ABCFrog User ZXCZX General ID 9 - \\ Remote" but for example, this thread in Google Chrome, picks up way more characters of the window title. I am guessing it is an application limitation of the software I am using for work (and not MEP).
  2. Variable Set String %Title% to topmost window title Variable Set Integer %StartPositionOfID% to 62 Variable Set Integer %LengthOfId% to 7 Variable Modify String: Copy part of text in %Title% starting at %StartPositionOfID% and %LengthOfId% characters long to %ID% Text Box Display: %ID%
  3. So it looks like when I run the variable script, the text box title only displays "7 - \\ R" For some reason, it does not pick up the rest of the title at all.
  4. Thanks so much, I will give it a shot and report back.
  5. The barcode does appear as text and is highlighted for a second before it opens. I can definitely test extracting and analyzing text from the window title to see if this might work. Variable Set String %Title% to topmost window title Variable Set Integer %StartPositionOfID% to 20 Variable Set Integer %LengthOfID% to 7 Variable Modify String: Copy part of text in %Title% starting at %StartPositionOfID% and %LengthOfID% characters long to %ID% Text Box Display: ID = %ID% Where in this script would I place the actual ID I am looking for?
  6. So the only other place (other than the window title) the ID I am looking to search for pops up for a second is when it is scanned by a barcode reader. A barcode from a paper is scanned, it pops up momentarily on the screen before the order comes on the screen. Can a macro somehow capture what is scanned (it probably pops up on the screen for 1 second before the order pops up.
  7. Ok after further testing, it appears to be related to the program I am using. Although I can see the full title on the window title bar in the program, Macro Express will only pick up the title up to the first digit Full title: ABC Processing Database ABCFrog User ZXCZX General ID 9876543 Macro picks up: ABC Processing Database ABCFrog User ZXCZX General ID 9 - \\ Remote It cuts off the ID which is what is the most important part of what I am trying to use the macro for. I am trying to have a big text box display as a caution upon a specific ID # that is pulled up.
  8. I am trying to create a macro to activate upon window title to trigger based upon a ID number that is included in the title of a window. Unfortunately the ID number is towards the end of the window title and there seems to be a character limit on how far the window title is searched. When searching open window titles, it is cut off at the first digit of the ID number I am looking for. Is there any way to expand the character limit searched?
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