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Posts posted by IceBox

  1. I took rberq's advice and it worked, and then I thought maybe there was a shortkey to open the view macro window. So maybe I could save a keystroke or two. In researching that, I found out that shortkeys can be assigned directly to the macros. So one Excel macro is now CTRL+Q and the other is now CTRL+Z. So my Macro Express code presses those shortkeys, and it is working perfectly. I kind of feel a little dumb that myself and another programmer spent hours making this harder than it needed to be, but thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

  2. First, thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. I really do appreciate it. With that being said...


    I know that is always an option, but I think it is pretty standard in the Macro Express world to use mouse moves/clicks as a LAST resort. This macro will be used by dozens of employees at my company, and I cannot guarantee they will all have the same screen resolution or even have the spreadsheet maximized.

  3. Does anyone know if this can even be done?


    Here is what I am trying to do:


    Use Macro Express to gather some information from an application

    Have Macro Express then activate an Excel file that is already open.

    Once Excel is activated, I want a VBA macro in the Excel file to automatically be triggered (to clear the sheet)

    I then need Macro Express to fill out two cells from the info it gathered at the start of the macro.

    Finally, activate a second VBA macro that is already programmed.


    I have found some code online that seems to work when the file is closed. When the file is open, I get an error stating that I already have it open. In other words, it is looking at the VBScript in Macro Express as another person trying to access the same open file, and will only allow it if I close the file.


    I already have each of the Excel VBA macros assigned to buttons on the sheet. So having Macro Express click the button would be just as helpful as triggering the VBA macros, as it would achieve the same result obviously. (From what I can tell, the buttons are not recognized by the Get Control tool in Macro Express, or this would've be too easy)


    Please help. I am out of ideas...

  4. Hello. My company is using version currently. With this version, is there a way to have a macro move a window from one monitor to the other?


    Anything we've tried has just resulted in the window stopping along the right edge of the first monitor.



  5. Hey all. I was wondering if anyone else was having this problem, or if anyone knows how to fix it. When using Microsoft Office Communicator (Desktop Application, not the web-based version), pressing Win+Q will open your contact list. If you program a macro with a hotkey of Win+Q, it does not override this, like it normally should. Even with the macro programmed, and activated, Win+Q will still open your Communicator contact list.


    Any ideas?




    -- Mike

  6. You can do this a few different ways:


    Enter text using the "Text Type" command. Use the "Pause" command. This will create a pop-up box in the top-left corner of your screen that says "Macro Express is currently paused." and includes a Resume and an Abort button.


    You can also use a complex pause, which allows you to change the text that displays while the macro is paused. i.e. "Enter date". The complex pause also allows you to specify where on the screen the pause box will be displayed.


    Or, in place of the pause command, you can use a "Wait for Key Press" command, and specify which key you want to use to resume the macro. i.e. ESC, ENTER, etc. This will not display any pop-up box. The macro will just simply wait until the specified key is pressed before resuming.

  7. Does anybody know the extent of Macro Express' functionality while a workstation is locked? I have already found out that a scheduled macro will still run if the workstation is locked. The functions I know it can perform on a locked workstation are:


    1. Display a text box

    2. Launch an application


    I am sure there are others, but these two I know from testing.


    So is there a distinct list of commands that do/don't work on a locked workstation documented anywhere?


    And the most important question... Does anyone know how to get Macro Express to unlock your workstation? If that is possible, then I can have MacExp unlock the station, do what I need it to do, and then re-lock it.


    Any help would be appreciated.


    -- Michael

  8. Hey guys. I think I got a real mystery here. I posted something about this already in this forum WAY back in January 2005. The link is HERE


    Rather than start over, please read that post first and then I will continue from there...


    Anyway... now this has gotten a bit trickier. I have created 2 different macros that attempt to press "n" for the notify button when the "File In Use" box pops up. One is the actually macro that I need this to apply to, and the other is a very short macro designed only to test this particular problem.


    When I run the "real" macro, it hangs up when that box appears. The script looks like this:


    <GETCONTROL2:01:NLNOTES.EXE:#32770Lotus Notes001:11IRIS.password><GETCONTROL2:11:EXCEL.EXE:bosa_sdm_XL9File in Use000:><GETCONTROL2:12:EXCEL.EXE:bosa_sdm_XL9File Now Available000:><GETCONTROL2:13:EXCEL.EXE:#32770Microsoft Excel001:2Button><MENU2:1:T:01:CenterCenter:Week SelectionWhich week would you like to lock?1
    4><TMVAR2:05:01:01:000:000:><NMVAR:02:01:1:0000001:2:0000001><IVAR2:02:02:FLast file completed?FFCenter:Center><REP3:08:000002:000002:0003:1:01:N3><NMVAR:01:02:1:0000002:2:0000001><TBOX4:F:6:0Right000Top000124000097:000:File#%N2%><TVAR2:02:08:\\uhc00548\homedirs\mluppen\Production Files\Lock.inilock%N2%a><TVAR2:03:08:\\uhc00548\homedirs\mluppen\Production Files\Lock.inilock%N2%b><TMVAR2:01:02:00:000:000:><TMVAR2:01:03:00:000:000:><IFVAR2:1:02:1:><TMVAR2:01:10:00:000:000:><IFVAR2:1:10:2:><TMVAR2:17:10:00:000:000:\\uhc00548\homedirs\mluppen\Production File Error Report\Error Report.txtF><ENDIF><MSTOP><ENDIF><IFOTH:01:2:\\uhc00548\shared\Office Production\%T2%\%T3%><LAUNCHDEL2:0:01\\uhc00548\shared\Office Production\%T2%\%T3%2><DELAY:5><IFCONTROL:03:11><TEXTTYPE:n><DELAY:2><LAUNCHDEL2:0:01\\uhc00548\shared\Office Production\%T2%\time tracker.xls2><WAITCONTROL:000010:000000:13:02><CCLICK:T:13:0:T:><DELAY:2><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>tpp><MSD:250><ETEXT:F30428DCA948F52EDE><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL><HOME><CONTROL>f><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:Find><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:scheduled<ENTER>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<ARROW DOWN><ENTER>><MSD:250><REP3:08:000007:000001:0007:1:01:T3><TEXTTYPE:<ARROW DOWN><F2><SHIFT><HOME>><CLIPC><TVAR2:07:03:><TMVAR2:01:07:00:000:000:><TEXTTYPE:<ESC>><ENDREP><TEXTTYPE:<ARROW LEFT>><CLIPC><TVAR2:08:03:><TMVAR2:01:08:00:000:000:><IVAR2:08:13:8:,><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL><HOME>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>tpp><MSD:250><ETEXT:F30428DCA948F52EDE><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSD:250><ETEXT:F30428DCA948F52EDE><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL><F4>><MSD:500><IFVAR2:2:08:2:0><NMVAR:02:08:1:0000008:2:0000001><TMVAR2:10:09:08:001:N08:><NMVAR:01:08:1:0000008:2:0000001><TMVAR2:11:08:00:001:N08:><TMVAR2:01:08:00:000:000:><LAUNCHDEL2:0:01C:\notes\notes.exe2><WAITCONTROL:000010:000000:01:02><DELAY:1><ETEXT:A443E519D21E1D0575C49B><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><DELAY:15><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>fn<ENTER>><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:New Memo><DELAY:3><SPKEY:0010><TEXTTYPE:%T8% %T9%<ENTER>><DELAY:2><IFOTH:04:2:Ambiguous Name><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><DELAY:1><ENDIF><TEXTTYPE:<TAB><TAB>michael luppens<TAB>Production File - ACTION REQUIRED<TAB>><TEXTTYPE:Please close your production file ASAP.  There is no need to reply to this message.  This email is automated, and will detect when you have closed your file.  If you still need your production file open, it will be safe to re-open it approximately 2 minutes after you close it.  (Please allow 5 minutes if you are a telecommuter).  Thank you.
    ** PLEASE NOTE:  Because this process is automated, it is possible that this email was sent to the wrong person, especially if you have the same name as another UHG employee.  If this is the case, please respond to this email and let me know. **><DELAY:5><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>as><DELAY:10><IFOTH:04:2:No Match><TEXTTYPE:<TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><ENTER>><DELAY:1><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER><ENTER>%T8% %T9%<SHIFT><TAB><SHIFT><TAB><BACKSPACE><SHIFT><HOME><DELETE><SHIFT><TAB><SHIFT><TAB><BACKSPACE><SHIFT><HOME>michael luppens<ENTER>><DELAY:5><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>as><DELAY:10><ENDIF><WSHUT:Lotus><DELAY:1><ENDIF><REM2:---><WAITCONTROL:000000:000000:12:02><MSD:500><TEXTTYPE:w><DELAY:2><ENDIF><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL><PAGE UP><CONTROL><PAGE UP><CONTROL><PAGE UP><CONTROL><PAGE UP><CONTROL><PAGE UP>><REP3:01:000001:000001:%N1%:0:01:><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL><PAGE DOWN>><ENDREP><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>tpp><MSD:250><ETEXT:F30428DCA948F52EDE><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL>a><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL>1><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:pp><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>l><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>tpp><MSD:250><ETEXT:F30428DCA948F52EDE><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSD:250><ETEXT:F30428DCA948F52EDE><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL><HOME>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL><PAGE DOWN>><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL>s><DELAY:1><TEXTTYPE:<ALT><F4>><WAITWLF2:000010:000000:Excel><DELAY:1><ELSE><TMVAR2:07:10:00:000:000:%T2%\%T3%-><ENDIF><TBCLOSE:File#><ENDREP>


    Then I created a short macro just to test it, and it works just fine. That script looks like this:


    <GETCONTROL2:01:EXCEL.EXE:bosa_sdm_XL9File in Use000:><DELAY:5><IFCONTROL:03:01><TEXTTYPE:n><ENDIF>


    Can anybody see something in the first code that would cause this not to work?

  9. Hopefully someone can help me here. I have been having a very difficult time figuring out the logic used by Macro Express when rounding. I did read an article in this forum once, as well as the section of Joe's book that discusses "Banker's Rounding", but I don't think that's the issue in this case.


    No matter what number I try, if I tell Macro Express to round a Decimal Variable to 2 places, it always rounds "5" down. So:


    1.755 becomes 1.75 when it should be 1.76

    1.765 becomes 1.76 when it should be 1.77 and so on and so on.


    The only fix I have found is to add .00000001 to the number first, and then round, because, believe it or not.... 1.76500001 gets rounded to 1.77, but 1.765 does not.


    Am I doing something wrong?


    Thanks in advance for your help :)

  10. Hello. Does anyone know what registry key needs to be changed to turn off the Microsoft Office Clipboard, and how that would be programmed in Macro Express? I must admit, the Windows Registry is somewhat unfamiliar territory for me, so the more detail the better. I know how to turn off the clipboard manually, but I would like to use macro commands to turn it off.


    Any help would be appreciated.




  11. I am building a macro and one of the steps I need to perform is to copy some text, save it to a variable, and then paste the text somewhere else. However, the original text that I am copying almost always has a hard return in it. I cannot use any hard returns when I paste it though. How do I get Macro Express to recognize these hard returns so I can delete them? I am guessing I would need to use the “Replace Substring” command, leave the “Replace With:” field blank, but what would I put in the “Text to Replace:” field?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  12. Thanks Floyd! I just tested this macro on several PCs, some where the user had admin rights and some where the user did not. In all instances, the user had rights to at least read from the registry. However, when a user with a version earlier than 5.0 ran the macro, Variables T1 and T2 came up empty. That would still suit my needs I think. When I get my return Emails, and the version number is missing, I can just assume that they need to be upgraded.


    Thanks again!

  13. I am in the process of upgrading approx. 250 PCs to the latest version of Macro Express. But with people moving around from cube to cube and their PCs going with them, etc, I have lost track. I would like to send a playable macro out through Email to the entire office and ask each person to activate it. The macro would then automatically reply to me with their name (login name), Cube number (PC Name), and Macro Express Version. I can get all of it to work except for the version. Is there a command that will pull this info into a variable? Or is there a more complicated way of doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  14. You can use the Set Integer | Get Position of Text in a Text Variable command to determine the location of the dot(.) in your string.


    Then you can delete the file extension using the "Delete Part of Text" command starting with character %N1% (The location of the dot that we set in the previous step) and continuing for 4 total characters (The dot, plus the 3 characters in the extension).

  15. Hi guys. After creating the macro I needed, I pulled the unique random number coding out and created this "generic" macro if anybody is interested. The way it is set up right now, the macro:


    1. Asks you to set a range of numbers to choose from (works for any numbers up to 999,999,999)

    2. Asks you to select the amount of unique random numbers to be selected from this range

    3. Opens Notepad (You may have to change your path)

    4. Types the selected numbers in Notepad in the form of a list.


    Thanks alot for the ideas on how to accomplish this. I'm not sure if there are many practical applications out there, but it was definitely a must in my office!


  16. I have worked with random numbers quite a bit, but one aspect has always puzzled me. And now I need to use that aspect...


    Basically, I need Macro Express to generate x/3 amount of unique random numbers out of a range from 1 to x. x will change daily. Let me put this into more concrete terms:


    I get an Excel file every day that has a variable amount of lines on it. I need to take 1/3 of those lines (at random) and copy them to another tab in that workbook. So if there are 240 lines, I need to copy 80 of them at random. Obviously, if I generate 80 random numbers, there is a chance that some numbers will duplicate and I need them to be all unique.


    Is there a way to generate unique random numbers?


    I have already programmed a macro that generates 2 unique random numbers using code similar to this:


    Variable Set Integer %N1% with a Random Number
    Repeat Until %N2% <> %N1%
        Variable Set Integer %N2% with a Random Number
    Repeat End


    This method worked great for just 2 numbers, but what about for 80? That could get REALLY long!!!


    Any help is much appreciated!

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