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Posts posted by yaqwa

  1. something does not really work - i get the text box repeating every seconds so i cant work .



    isn't there not a chance to get a macro like the first one ->





    <DATE/TIME Format="h:mm:ss AMPM" Flags="\x80" Date="30.12.1899" Day_Offset="0" Month_Offset="0" Year_Offset="0" Hour_Offset="0" Second_Offset="0" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0" Variable="%DateTime1%" IsDateVar="TRUE" _IGNORE="0x0002"/>

    <VARIABLE SAVE Option="\x06"/>

    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Delay Start" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\lang2057\\f0\\fs16 The delay \\f1 in the first macro \\f0 started at:\\f1 \\f0 %DateTime1%\r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x02" Delay="0"/>

    <DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="120"/>

    <TEXT BOX CLOSE Header="Delay Start"/>



    and just modify it into somthing like this so i get just this message


    The delay in the first macro ENDS at:%DateTime1%



    means just take the start time added 5 minutes and get the end time




    <DATE/TIME Format="h:mm:ss AMPM" Flags="\x80" Date="30.12.1899" Day_Offset="0" Month_Offset="0" Year_Offset="0" Hour_Offset="0" Second_Offset="0" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0" Variable="%DateTime1%" IsDateVar="TRUE" _IGNORE="0x0002"/>


    +120 seconds = end time :-)))

  2. ok new info

    Activation as Control will work!



    If i run a test with the macro and use test in Firefox or the popup window itsself with these Parameters as seen above


    Scope is on global - activation title is on "window title "die seite mit der adresse"

    Window gains focus - partial match


    the popupwindow will be closed.


    so the test works but in real live not.


    maybe this will help a bit

  3. Hi

    New Problem since the new Version

    I click on some link in Firefox and get a popup message in a small window named "Die seite mit der Adresse..." normally a macro should just click on enter to close this message

    So since the popup message will not close any more


    Scope is on global - activation title is on "window title "die seite mit der adresse"

    Window gains focus - partial match


    what can it be?


    in the last version everything runs ok

  4. yes and i can change all my macros again from left to right click and vice versa because iss switched all back again...............


    is it now finished or should i wait until the next switch?????????????????????????



    How about a bit help?

    Why don't you write me a macro which changes all left mause clicks in right mouse clicks and right mouse clicks in left mouseclicks??


    i am really a bit angry now!!

  5. sure this will do - but -


    Takes a long time to open every property of the folder



    repeat - yes - but i have to count befor how many folder are inside - because this also changes every day


    but i think we are on the right way - just to find a shorter workaround.


    But thanks first for the help - now i know at least the howto.

    Maybe someone else of ISS can give an other hint

  6. Problem is - i get every day some new files in some folders - one day in one folder the other day in a other folder.

    All the folders i just move to my usb drive - delete all empty folders in the drive and work with those who have some files in it (updates firmwares and so on)

    if i am ready i delete all folders and start the next day with the same procedure.


    so lets see if someone can create a simple macro - it just have to look at all folders and if the size is 0 it can be deleted.

    Seems to be easy but ................... not for me so it is not easy enough :-)))))

  7. Thanks - i understand - but for that i really do not understand the need of this display. Would it be not better to show a row of the number of the real macros i have - this will be more interesting for me than to know what index number i now have.


    BTW. if we speak about that - any chance to hide some of the rows (like index number) in the right field?

  8. Just a small Question - When i open MXP i see all my build Macros and in the first row there are the index Numbers 1,3,6,9, and so on.

    The Numers who are not there are those i deleted in the years i used ME.

    So is there any chance to sort the indexnumers and fill the lost numbers? so my last number is the real number of all existing macros (maybe 234 instead of 578)


    i hope you know what i mean

  9. i store every file in a Folder i name Private Documents and this one will be saved too.

    I can not understand why i MUST use the FOlder Windows told me and i can (for me) not really understand why i must have a empty My Documents>\Insight Software Solutions\Macro Express folder.


    It can work for normal users who think a dos box is an undefinied flight object but those i think will not use ME PRO


    so why cant we decide for our own where we want to store our files and must not have empty folder where we do not want them.


    just my two cents

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