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Posts posted by joe

  1. Can you capture the chat window text to the clipboard? Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C? If so, then you can save the clipboard to a text variable and create parsing macros to extract your target data.


    For the log file, look at the Text File Begin Process / Text File End Process command construct to step through a text file.


    You can also easily save a whole text file to a single text variable.

  2. Even though system macros are internal to Macro Express and cannot be added, you can still create a normal macro to do the same thing. And you can use what ever hotkey you want. Ctrl+Alt+Shft+A will work just fine. I also suggest that you scope the macro to the Macro Explorer window so that it will not fire at the wrong time.

    Delay 250 Milliseconds
    If Window Title "- Macro Explorer" is on top
     Activate Window: "- Macro Explorer"
     Delay 250 Milliseconds
     Keystroke Speed: 35 Milliseconds
     Text Type: <ALT>ma
     Wait For Window Title: "Add Macro"
     Delay 250 Milliseconds
     Repeat Start (Repeat 7 times)
       Text Type: <TAB>
     Repeat End
     Delay 250 Milliseconds
     Text Type: n<TAB><ENTER>
    End If
    <MSD:250><IFOTH:03:2:- Macro Explorer><ACTIVATE2:- Macro Explorer><MSD:250><SPKEY:0035><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>ma><WAITWIN2:000000:000000:Add Macro><MSD:250><REP3:01:000001:000001:00007:0:01:><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><ENDREP><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:n<TAB><ENTER>><ENDIF>

  3. The character in question is an ASCII SOH, used in many commands. you can see it from the Direct Editor, which, among other things, is used to view the native Macro Express language.


    It seems that the macro you are importing (or the library itself) may be corrupted. Try exporting the macro as a playable and then import the playable.

  4. Maybe Macro Express is out-pacing your application. Try wrapping your Mouse commands within a set of Mouse Speed commands:

    Variable Set Integer %N1% from Mouse X Position
    Variable Set Integer %N2% from Mouse Y Position
    Mouse Speed: 1 Milliseconds
    Mouse Move Screen 2000, 573
    Mouse Left Button Double Click
    Mouse Speed: 0 Milliseconds

  5. Stek -


    Without seeing the code, I would suggest reversing the IF/ENDIF test. Test for the higher value (55) first, then the next lower value (10), and then the lowest value (05).


    There is no BETWEEN statement, however you can accomplish the same thing using the AND statement:

    // BETWEEN 0-6 give me a 0
    // BETWEEN 7-12 give me a 1
    // BETWEEN 13-18 give me a 3....
    If Variable %N1% >= 0
    If Variable %N1% <= 6
     Variable Set Integer %N2% to 0
    End If
    If Variable %N1% >= 7
    If Variable %N1% <= 12
     Variable Set Integer %N2% to 1
    End If
    If Variable %N1% >= 13
    If Variable %N1% <= 18
     Variable Set Integer %N2% to 3
    End If
    <REM2:BETWEEN 0-6 give me a 0><REM2:BETWEEN 7-12 give me a 1><REM2:BETWEEN 13-18 give me a 3....><IFVAR2:2:01:5:0><AND><IFVAR2:2:01:6:6><IVAR2:02:01:0><ENDIF><IFVAR2:2:01:5:7><AND><IFVAR2:2:01:6:12><IVAR2:02:01:1><ENDIF><IFVAR2:2:01:5:13><AND><IFVAR2:2:01:6:18><IVAR2:02:01:3><ENDIF>

  6. When two or more windows with the same exact title are on your display, it can make it difficult to use Window commands. There are other a couple of options that you can try:

    • Are the error window and GUI window titles exactly the same? Or just the first part?
    • You might be able to distinguish between the two windows using the Get Pixel Color command.
    • You might be able to use the size of the "Window on Top" to determine if an error window popped up.
    • You can try using Window Controls to determine which window is on top.

  7. Sorry to have to disagree with you Joe, but that is such an 80's mentality. Making secret plans and not listening to users is a recipe for disaster.

    I don't recall writing anything about not listening to users or of secret plans. It's no secret that software companies are always improving their product and are always working on the next release. And listening to your customers is a primary responsibility of any company.


    But in order to support customers, in order to listen to them, in order to attract more customers, a business must stay in business, which is done by charging a fair price for a product or service. If that is an 80s mentality, then so be it.


    There will always be other products with wide customer support. And there will always be free products. By their nature, free products draw a lot more users. But they are not customers. They have not paid for a product but instead, are simply using something. Do they have the potential to hurt sales in a real business? Of course! And companies must make themselves better for it.


    simply because I have no clear indication of whether certain features will be implemented in Macex, or even if the company has any idea about what its competitors are offering.

    Sounds iffy. Your decision must be based on something more than what you say in the above quote. Maybe it has something to do with "free"? The great thing about an open marketplace is that people are free to decide what works best for them. Your answers and support have always been welcome in this community.

  8. On a side note... it would also be nice to see what enhancements are currently being worked on or may be available in the future.

    Well, if it were my company I would not publish these in a public forum. I would not even admit to working on any. Why? Competitors! There is no doubt that when you are the BMOC (big man on campus) others try to do what you do and are constantly looking over your shoulder to see what they should do.


    As a capitalist, I think competition is great. But that doesn't mean I have to give my competition the bullets to shoot me with, not even if I already have 3 steps towards the door. ... great song, btw.

  9. Can't we make feature requests in the forum? So more people can read about it
    If we get enough requests for it then I will create a separate Feature Request forum.


    As to Macro ToolsWorks, I'm sure it is a very fine product ... as are the multitude of other Macro Express look-alikes.

  10. Welcome!


    One of our clients has a Macro Express server setup that he calls a "watchdog". It constantly polls, or watches, for messages from any one of several workstations that are also running Macro Express. These messages are in the form of a simple file or or file name written to a folder that both the server and workstations have access to. Depending on the file name it sees, or what is actually in a particular file, the macro server fires off a macro to do whatever it was set up to do. When done, the macro server writes a file back to the folder where a workstation macro that was waiting sees it. Once it sees it, the workstation continues on its merry way.


    This sounds like what you want to do.

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