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Posts posted by joe

  1. Download Pages


    The PGM Functions Library™ enhances Macro Express functionality by providing categories of pre-designed, callable, reusable functions all in a standard Macro Express library file (.mex), which may be imported into your macro applications.

    Reusable Macro Functions


    Any repeatable task performed on your computer is a candidate to be a macro, of course. But did you know that any repeatable task that your macro performs is a candidate to be a reusable function? Think of reusable functions as custom-built commands, or black boxes, which extend the Macro Express built-in commands to suit your needs. Imagine having an unlimited number of commands available at your fingertips to do almost any imaginable task.


    Macro Express contains approximately 300+ built-in, ready-to-use commands, so why in the world would anybody want, or need more? Because we, as users and developers, always want more, and … well, just need more. Even if Macro Express had 1,000 commands, this would still be true. Why? Because, like any other programming language, the commands themselves are just building blocks used in the construction of both simple and complex tasks.


    Complex tasks, or macros, can be built from a series of simple tasks (reusable functions), which in turn, are built from the Macro Express commands. The PGM Functions Library provides for you some of these simple, but ready-made tasks.


    If you need to:

    • Easily create reusable functions
    • Use multiple functions without overwriting variables
    • Time your macros for efficiency
    • Reliably launch applications
    • Keep an unattended operations log of events
    • Do date calculations
    • Manipulate strings
    • Parse strings
    • Search strings
    • Count the occurrence of one string in another
    • Convert decimal values to hexadecimal strings
    • Find square roots
    • Compare files and folders
    • Parse path names
    • Validate file names

    … then the PGM Functions Library is for you!



    How They Work


    Plain and simple … every one of our functions is called via the Macro Express Macro Run command. Let us assume, for the moment, that your building a macro to save data from user input, or other application, to a file. Some if it is in hexadecimal format and needs to be converted. Normally, you would simply place code in your macro to handle the conversion. Like this:


    // Convert a hex string %T10% to a decimal value %D10%
    Variable Modify String: Uppercase %T10%
    Variable Set Integer %N1% from Length of Variable %T10%
    Variable Set Decimal %D10% to 0
    Repeat with Variable using %N1%
     Variable Modify Integer: %N3% = %N1% - %N2%
     Variable Modify String: Copy Part of %T10% to %T1%
     Switch (T1)
       Case: A
         Variable Set Decimal %D1% to 10
       End Case
       Case: B
         Variable Set Decimal %D1% to 11
       End Case
       Case: C
         Variable Set Decimal %D1% to 12
       End Case
       Case: D
         Variable Set Decimal %D1% to 13
       End Case
       Case: E
         Variable Set Decimal %D1% to 14
       End Case
       Case: F
         Variable Set Decimal %D1% to 15
       End Case
       Default Case
         Variable Modify String: Convert %T1% to decimal %D1%
       End Case
     End Switch
     If Variable %N3% = 0
       Variable Modify Decimal: %D10% = %D10% + %D1%
       Variable Set Decimal %D2% to 1
       Repeat with Variable using %N3%
         Variable Modify Decimal: %D2% = %D2% * 16
       Repeat End
       Variable Modify Decimal: %D3% = %D2% * %D1%
       Variable Modify Decimal: %D10% = %D10% + %D3%
     End If
    Repeat End

    Pretty intense, huh? Sure, this takes care of the problem for this macro, but what about the next macro that needs the same capability? You could, of course, use copy and paste. However, what if the variables used here are used for something else in the macro that you are pasting to? They would all need to be changed. Here's the solution (you knew it was coming): use our function.


    // Convert a hex string to a decimal value
    Variable Set String %T1% "E2B5C6" // Hexadecimal
    Write Registry String: "ParameterString1" // Pass it
    Macro Run: { Math - Hex to Decimal } // Convert it
    Read Registry Decimal: "ReturnDecimal1" // Read the results, D1 = 14,857,670

    See the Macro Run command? It is calling one of the functions in our library. You set a value to pass just prior to making the call and then read the results immediately afterwards. In this case %T1% holds the hexadecimal string to be converted, and %D1% is used to read the returned answer. Plain and simple, reusable, and ready-made for cutting and pasting!



    Why They Work


    Because we have no clue as to which variables your functions use, and have no desire to overwrite them when calling one of ours, we save yours before writing ours, and then restore them when finished.


    Take another look at the above example. The called { Math - Hex to Decimal } function also uses the %T1% variable to do its work, however, because it saves the current set of variables prior to overwriting them and then restores them at the end, your variables are never changed.



    Functions by Category


    Variable Management

    Program Operations

    Date and Time

    String Functions

    Math and Science

    File Operations

    Developer Tools

    PGM System Functions


  2. This forum is a repository for third party tools, which are defined as anything a user or developer could use to enhance their own macros, libraries, and projects. Feel free to post your tools here!.


    Please keep discussions concerning a particular tool within the tool's topic. In other words, don't create new topics that deal with a particular tool.

  3. Welcome to the group brsnyder!


    I am not experiencing this problem and I generally have several apps running at the same time. Are you accessing your macros over a network, or locally?


    To answer your question, however, yes you can reinstall 3.5c without affecting your macro libraries BUT MAKE A BACKUP FIRST. Also, be sure to check the Install all files even if older checkbox.

  4. Welcome to the group Steve!


    Not sure by your example which option you are using for the Text Box Display command. If you are using the Box remains until user clicks on "OK" button option then that is the problem. Macro Express is in a wait state until the display box disappears and will not see the Wait Left Mouse Click command. Instead, use the Floating Box until "Close Box" command or end of macro option in conjunction with the Close Text Box option. Like so:


    Web Site: http://www.your_web_site.com/default.html [Default Browser - Wait to load]
    Text Box Display: 
    Wait Left Mouse Click
    Text Box Close: 
    Keystroke Speed: 25 Milliseconds
    Text Type: yourname<TAB>yourpassword<ENTER>
    Keystroke Speed: 0 Milliseconds
                 Click Mouse in the "Name" field><WAITLM:000010000000><TBCLOSE:><SPKEY:0025><TEXTTYPE:yourname<TAB>yourpassword<ENTER>><SPKEY:0000>

  5. Welcome to the group John!


    A ping will only tell you if the server exists and is turned on, not necessarily what, if anything, it is doing. Using the Macro Express E-mail Send command will send an email in the background. In the example below I set a variable to the current date and time for placement in the Subject line, then send the email.


    Date/Time: Save "ddd mmm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss" into %T1%
    E-Mail Send: Know Recipients, Fixed Text, No Attachments
    <DT:ddd mmm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ssT:01:1:><EMAIL2:Center:Center:Center:Center:Center:Center:RNR1TOyou@email.com|you@email.com;S1Email server is sending  %T1%A1>

  6. Hello Cuppanews!


    What you want to do is very simple. Just create a CSV file containing your lookups:


    www.nytimes.com,US-New York Times

    www.globeandmail.com,Canada-Globe and Mail

    www.chinadaily.com,China-China Daily


    Now whenever you want to use the long form of a name, use the following macro. Modify it to suit your system, of course:


    // This is the domain to lookup.
    Activate or Launch: "Notepad" OR "notepad.exe"
    Variable Set String %T9% "www.globeandmail.com"
    // Look it up.
    ASCII File Begin Process: "long.csv" (Comma Delimited Text )
     If Variable %T1% = variable %T9%
     End If
    ASCII File End Process
    // Now type the long form out.
    Text Type: %T2%
    <REM2:This is the domain to lookup.><LAUNCHYES3:0:0112Notepad<LAUNCH:notepad.exe><TVAR2:09:01:www.globeandmail.com><REM2:><REM2:Look it up.><ADFBEG:F10:001:000001:000000:C:\Temp\long.csv><IFVAR2:4:01:1:T9T><BREAK><ENDIF><ADFEND><REM2:><REM2:Now type the long form out.><TEXTTYPE:%T2%>

  7. Checking the Recursive checkbox is fine. I do it when I want to move contents of sub-folders. I have done this without error when moving within the same partition, different drives on the same workstation, and also across networks.


    Is this an active folder? Are others writing to it while you are moving the files?


    Try "moving off" of the folder you are wanting to move before moving it. In other words, use the Change Directory/Folder command to log in to a different folder then move it.


    As to renaming or copying and deleting: If you are moving folders within the same partition on the same hard drive, then Windows will probably just do some internal renaming. On the other hand, if you are moving folders between partitions, hard drives, or over a network then Windows will do a copy and delete.

  8. To copy your 9 characters use the Variable Modify String command (see picture). As to putting them into a text document, it depends on the state of the text document. Is it launched and waiting? Is the text to be prepended, inserted, or appended? Or are you just creating a text document to hold the lines that you are parsing?


  9. Hello yaqwa!


    If Variable %T1% contains "c"
     Text Box Display: c
     If Variable %T1% = "d"
       Text Box Display: d
     End If
    End If

    Both your c and d tests are testing for a lowercase character. Change them to uppercase C and D or use the Ignore Case checkbox in the If Variable dialog.

  10. Hello Cory!


    Here is an excerpt from the book that explains it:


    The Expand Filename checkbox will convert the file or folder in the Filename/Path field to a full path string before parsing it. For example, if File1.txt is entered and if the current folder is set to C:\FolderA, internally it will be changed to C:\FolderA\File1.txt before parsing. Here are a couple of things to be aware of:

    • The folder or file does not have to physically exist. The path and name will still be parsed.
    • Network paths (leading "\\") will be ignored. The Drive field variable will be set to an empty string and the leading "\\" remain as part of the path.
    • When parsing a folder, the Filename/Path field must have a trailing backslash or else it will be parsed as a file name instead of as a folder name.
    • Folder shortcuts "." and ".." work fine, but only if used with the Expand Filename checkbox, otherwise they remain as part of the path.

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