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Everything posted by funnyboy1000

  1. So I can put the End If in the middle of a repeat, if I add a break, correct? So i can do: Set variable %T5% = 1 Repeat until %T5% = 0 Set variable %T2% = 1842479 Get Pixel: Screen coords 148,444 into %T1% If Variable %T1% <> variable %T2% Break End If Mouse click pos 148,444 Repeat End As a example, would this work? It would keep clicking on position 148, 444, until that positions pixel was no longer the pixel color 1842479? And it would stop and not click on pos 148, 444, the moment the pixel turns into a different color? Sorry for the double post >.< Edit: NEVER MIND GUYS! I GOT IT WORKING PERFECTLY!!!! Thanks for all your contributions, it was all a learning experience... wait... need more help please >.< :) :) Edit: Now as a continuation of the searching a area for a pixel, what if i wanted it to search the entire screen for a pixel color in the middle of a repeat, and then click on that pixel? Sorry for having a TON of questions, and thanks for answering them ALL
  2. So I can put the End If in the middle of a repeat, if I add a break, correct? And it would still loop through if T1=T2? Oops double post on accident.
  3. Wow, thanks guys, i got a LOT more help than i expected, but what if i want it to stop the repeat at a certain part of the repeat, if it doesn't detect a certain color pixel on a certain x,y coordinate on the screen? Would these repeat ends work if i stuck it in the middle of a repeat? What I wanted was actually a lot simpler, but I can actually use this too. My entire macro would be a repeat, and if at a certain point, there isn't a "black" pixel on the screen on a x,y coordinate, I want it to stop, even if this command is in the middle of the macro. Thanks for any additional help Edit: Nevermind guys, i got most of it by taking apart the script that you guys gave me, but how do you set a variable before hand? Can't seem to find it in scripting editor. Thanks! Edit: Does "<>" mean not equal to? What if i wanted it to stop when T1 does not equal T2 in the middle of a script?
  4. Hi guys, I'm a new member. I'm also pretty new to all this programming stuff. I did get down the basics of macro express through trial and error, but I couldn't figure out how to stop a repeat if a part of a screen did not contain a certain color pixel. Thank you very much for any help. Oh and if all possible, can you explain each line so i can learn? Thanks again. :D Edit: Now as a continuation of the searching a area for a pixel, what if i wanted it to search the entire screen for a pixel color in the middle of a repeat, and then click on that pixel? Sorry for having a TON of questions, and thanks for answering them ALL
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