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Everything posted by koon

  1. Thanks for your answer. I didn't know what's wrong and so I thought it must be url limitation that could be cause. I found that I should click 'running man' icon in tray to terminate the process when encountering some kind of errors. Long url worked. It seems my newbie mistake.
  2. In MEP, Commands > Internet > Website I tried this; http://soffice.11st.co.kr/browsing/mallDispDetail.tmall?method=readDispApplyInfoByChangeRqstamt&objApplySeqNo=37171111&adcentreFlag=Y&advrtItemClfCd=01&objApplySeqNo=37171112&adcentreFlag=Y It works fine. But, http://soffice.11st.co.kr/browsing/mallDispDetail.tmall?method=readDispApplyInfoByChangeRqstamt&objApplySeqNo=37171111&adcentreFlag=Y&advrtItemClfCd=01&objApplySeqNo=37171112&adcentreFlag=Y&objApplySeqNo=37171113&adcentreFlag=Y&objApplySeqNo=37171114&adcentreFlag=Y&objApplySeqNo=37171115&adcentreFlag=Y&objApplySeqNo=37171116&adcentreFlag=Y This doesn't work. MEP simply doesn't do anything and I had to close MEP and restart it. Is there any limit to the length of url in MEP? If so, how can I make the long url work well in MEP? I use MEP to do this work and limiting the length of url is frustrating me. Any help appreciated.
  3. I'd like to run macro at the exact time including seconds, for example, 7:59:58 But I found that ME Pro doesn't allow setting seconds when creating scheduled macro, as below. Run the macro : Daily Run at : PM 7:59 Is there any way to set the seconds? This, setting seconds, is important to my task. Thanks in advance.
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