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Posts posted by Alienchild

  1. Thanks for the ideas guys.

    @joe I am not sure what you mean, perhaps I can try make myself a little bit clearer with a more concrete example. Let's say I start the monitoring at 22:00. Let's also say that in general I want to start a new action whenever the existing macro has been running for 10,000 seconds.


    A straightforward query of the Date/Time string would not work, because as you say the number of seconds gets reset, so I need extra logic that won't be confused by a midnight change, preferably not relying on outside scripts, but of course will look at that if it is the only viable solution.

  2. I am monitoring several processes which can run for more than 24 hours, although typically less. Is there a fairly straightforward way to check how long certain process has been running, which won't get confused by change in time/date over midnight/new year. I only need 1 second resolution.


    I know I could solve this by copying the Date/Time and doing a whole bunch of string/integer manipulation to eventually get the answer but hoping that either:

    - there is an easier method

    - someone has already solved this and can share some code


    Note that I don't want to wait for anything - as in stop program execution while waiting for a time, but monitor elapsed time and act upon that after certain elapsed time points.


    So in summary: Looking for Elapsed time monitor in seconds, perhaps returning something similar to a "Unix" time number.

  3. Within MXPro, the Button Down / Button Up commands are a code structure same as the If / End If and the Repeat / End Repeat structures. You will receive the same syntax error message when any part of any code structure is missing.


    Yes it does seem so. It is irritating as a mousedown should not have an enforced mouseup. I might have perfectly good reasons for never releasing a mouse button and it shouldn't be up to the language to try enforce how I use my mouse! As it stands now, I have to release the mouse button within the same block of code - or suffer Syntax error warnings. Not happy.


    In any case it does not effect the logic and the program runs perfectly ok , just every time I save it I get warned about the syntax error. I know I can disable the warning but want to keep it for a "real" syntax error!

  4. If Variable %xVal% Is Greater Than "100"
      Mouse Left Button Down
       Mouse Move: %xx%, %yy% Relative to Screen
      Mouse Left Button Up
    End If

    Add the Mouse Left Button Up line.




    That defeats the whole purpose of the drag because if I use the "Mouse button up" and I am still on the same area of the screen it, then counts as a mouse click which has a completely different action associated with it.


    Edit: Having said that I will try it out and see - perhaps I can do multiple drags, each with its own mouse down and mouse up, without them been considered mouse clicks by the application - I will let you guys know.

  5. Hi All, I am trying to hold my left mouse button down and drag if a condition is met. The below code causes the Editor to complain about Syntax Errors:



    If Variable %xVal% Is Greater Than "100"
    Mouse Left Button Down
    Mouse Move: %xx%, %yy% Relative to Screen
    End If
    Notice that the editor indents the "End If" , so clearly it is getting confused.
    What, if anything am I doing incorrectly and how do I implement a mouse drag if a condition is met, without producing a syntax error?
    (Here is the actual code as requested)
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%xVal%" Condition="\x03" Value="100" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <MOUSE MOVE Option="\x01" X="%xx%" Y="%yy%" _PROMPT="0x000A"/>
    <END IF/>
  6. Are you logged in as admin or are you running Macro Express as Admin? My Windows login is an admin login but Macro Express Pro runs with normal (non-admin) privileges.


    Reading the color under the mouse does not use the hooks. It may still be an issue with the hooks.


    Maybe you should create a bug report with Insight Software.


    Thanks for taking the time to try help Samrae, I appreciate it. To answer your question, All programs run as admin on my machine (yes I understand that is a security risk). I am also not sure why Macro Express requires a windows hook to show its position on the screen. It makes sense that it needs a hook for relative position on a window, but position on the screen should be a raw OS call, probably how the color indicator works I would think.


    It looks like this is a bug and I will file a bug report.

  7. One thing to try is to Run Macro Express as administrator. If that doesn't work it may be something intentional by the people who write Flash or Firefox.


    The Mouse Locator, and Macro Express itself, communicate via something called the "Windows Hooks". Using hooks requires cooperation between any program that also uses the hooks. One program can block access to the hooks for all other programs. An indication of the hooks being blocked is when the Mouse Locator stops updating the position of the mouse cursor and the color beneath it.


    Some programs have implemented security features to prevent other programs access to them. Much of what a macro program does such as watching for and sending keystrokes and mouse events are also typical of malware. So, in the interest of security, some programs block these things. What you are experiencing may be related to features in Firefox or Flash to protect from malware.



    Hi, I am running as admin. Also note that it is just the X,Y coordinates that stops working, the Color values continue updating. This seems to indicate it is not the application blocking the window hooks.

  8. In Firefox on Windows 7, when I move my mouse over a flash game, the Mouse Locator window stops updating co-ordinates. The colours appear to keep on updating. It does not appear to happen in Facebook games but for for example www.armorgames.com - Mouse locator stops working there.


    This only happens in Firefox and not Chrome.


    This is a major issue for me.


    *** Update ***

    I just tested on Windows XP and this issue with freezing screen co-ordinates does not occur there - so limited to Windows 7. Obviously don't know about any other OS's.

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