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Macro Express For Star Wars Galaxy


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I can empathize with the gentleman talking about machine language, did quite a bit of it myslef.


Does anybody know how to use Macro Express to automate a game, in particular Star Wars Galaxy. Just received Macro Express., and couldn't find any method to do it.


Tried starting a caputure, switching to the game, moving the sprite(mouse), selecting a few widgets, and alt-tabbing out, and stopping the macro. Nothing in the macro.


Any help would be appreciated.


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Recording on a game doesn't work very well. Macro express works well if you script it specifically to move the mouse.

IE dragging something using mouse commands

"move mouse to x,y" coordinates

Left mouse click down

"move mouse to x,y" coordinates

Left mouse click up


I don't play starwars galaxy but this works in other games I play. Note window mode works best just remember to keep the window in the same spot or your mouse moves won't match up when you try to run the macro.


I can't post code examples due to being on my iPhone. Good luck!

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