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Macro Express won't load at startup


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ME3 isn't loading at startup (no MacExp.exe in Task Mgr).


In Preferences it's set to run at startup, and I tried a long wait period to avoid any conflicts with other programs.

Also ran virus/malware scans, and finally reinstalled ME, still no joy.


In msconfig Startups, ME is listed as a "Common Startup" but not a Registry key. What is a Common Startup?


I found no key at either HKLM or HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

Seems there should be a key in there. Wouldn't reinstalling have recreated them if they were missing?


The ME3 shortcut was in my Startup folder for All Users, but I also copied it to the <Owner> Startup folder, but that didn't help.


Any suggestions appreciated. I sure would like to avoid reinstalling Windows.

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