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Posts posted by kunkel321

  1. Alrighty then...

    I was not able to get a password recovery for *this* account, because I was using username=steveK. Apparently my username is "kunkel321." Not sure how I set up my profile to display a name other than my username.... Oh well. I did a password recovery by leaving the username blank and sending to all my different email addresses.... Sure enough, my two profiles were assigned to different email addresses.

    I'll stick with the steveK "kunkel321" account, since it has more posts attached to it.

    Oddly though, "steve kunkel' is an older account.

    steve kunkel created 10 aug 2006.
    steveK created 16 Feb 2008.
    But steve kunkel has only three posts and they all were this year... Beats me.
    Anyway, I tried to delete the steve kunkel account, but apparently I cannot. I've attached it to my hotmail account, which I never use, so hopefully I won't reactivate the wrong account again when I come back in six months and forget all about my current dilemma. :unsure:
    Also, I have to get rid of my avatar... I hate to change it after so many years, but it just reminds me of Facebook people who are Tea Party nutters, and the insane stuff they post.
  2. Here's an odd situation.... I just noticed that, somehow, I've gotten duplicate profiles...

    I'm me, steve kunkel, but this




    is also me! Not sure how I did that...

    It appears that "steve kunkel" has barely been used, though it was created nearly 10 years ago.

    Is it possible to merge the profiles? I'd like to have access to my old posts if possible.


    I hadn't been on the forum for a while, and just recently had to email my login info to my self. "steve kunkel" is the info that was sent, even though I've used steveK all these years. I am currently not able to log in to steveK. The password request tells me that the account doesn't exist....



  3. Wow cool. Thanks Cory. I'd hate for you to burn your time on this.... If you do though, maybe go with the VBScript option, that way people could change what reg key it looks for and thus the script could be used by other people as well(??)

    Here's another question though: If I'm having a VBScript running in the background anyway, should I just go ahead with the once-per-minute looping marco you suggested?

  4. Thanks for the reply Cory.

    I'm hesitant to use a periodic loop to look for things, simply because I already have so many goodies running in the background on my computer. Don't want to strain the system. I'm curious if your above-mentioned one caused any noticeable performance lag? I guess the activation of the macro, per se, would be smooth, but depending on what the different things that macro looked for, there could be a lag (?) Anyway, for now, I've made a trigger that simply looks for when xyplorer.exe is closed. That's usually what I browse pictures with. I get lots of superfluous triggering though, because I use xyplorer for other stuff too. I might see about setting up a trigger that looks for certain keywords in window titles. (Pictures, Images, Wallpapers) It looks like that might require three separate macros though (each one calling my BGInfo macro). I'll post back if I ever get a good working solution.

  5. Hi All,

    Does anyone know if it's possible to use "wallpaper has been changed" as a trigger for a macro?

    Googling has lead me to the REG_SZ key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/Wallpaper."

    Also, I see the following trigger option:



    Any thoughts on what to try next?

    I use the excellent BGInfo


    and would like it to be updated whenever right-click an image and use "Set as desktop wallpaper."


    (Note: I'm not 100% sure that watching for changes in this key will work.)


  6. Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for following up on this.

    I haven't had a chance to tinker with it to the extent I did before, but I'm not sure it's working any better...

    I fully exited, then ran as administrator. I took a couple screenshots while installing:


    As before, the Example Scripts in the PGMFL_Pro.mex file do run, but I can't call any of them from my own maceex.mex macros.


    I'll experiment more and see if there are any differences then there were in May.


    Also, I'm not sure if this matters, but I am already an administrator for my computer (though it is a work computer).

  7. I know this is somewhat off-topic, but I'm considering getting a Windows Tablet. Maybe a Surface or something I don't know. Is anyone using Mac Exp on a WinTablet? How is your experience? Is ME even applicable to a tablet? Any pitfalls I should avoid? There's quite a price range for the tablets... Like anything from 70 USD to 1,800 USD! Based on Amazon reviews it looks like the "Windows RT" devices can NOT install third-party apps, but instead can only install apps from the "Windows Store." Also, most of the reasonably priced ones have only 1Gig of RAM. Is that enough to run ME in the background while other apps are going?

    I'll probably x-post this on a couple different forums. Thanks All.
  8. Also remember to check out the a&ccelerator key things...

    from the help file (bottom of "Multiple Choice Menu" page):



    Multiple Choice Tips

    Make one of the Multiple Choice selections the Default

    Let's say you want option B to be your default selection. Use the Variable Set String command and select the Set Value Now option. Set the value of variable T1 to B. Insert this command before your Menu command in the macro script. When the macro runs, option B will display as the default selection.

    Allow users to select a menu item with the keyboard instead of clicking with the mouse

    Let's look at the Multiple Choice Menu image above. There are four entries in the Menu List. We want to set this up so that when the menu is displayed, the user can press a keystroke rather than click on their choice with the mouse. To do so we would modify the Menu List to look like the following:

    A &Go to Macro Express web site

    B &Run Notepad

    C &Insert email tagline

    D &Connect to FTP site

    You'll notice that an ampersand "&" has been placed in front of each item in the menu list. When the list is displayed during playback of the macro, the letter following the ampersand "&" will be underlined. The user can then press the underlined letter for the choice they want. This will highlight their choice. Pressing the Enter key will perform the macro selection chosen.

    The ampersand may be placed anywhere in the text string. It doesn't need to be placed before the first letter as in the example above. For example, we could set item A to read as follows: Go to &Macro Express web site. In this case the M will be underlined and pressing the "M" key during playback will highlight this menu option.

    Note 1: Be careful not to duplicate the underlined letters. Otherwise the first duplicate letter will be the default choice each time the letter is pressed.

    Note 2: If you are using the If Variable Contains command with the Multiple Choice Menu and you have “Save Item Text” checked, be sure to change the text you are comparing so that it includes the ampersand "&". For example, change “If Variable %T1% contains "Choice One" to “If Variable %T1% contains "&Choice One".

    Note 3: To insert an ampersand in the text that is not used as an accelerator, such as a menu item of "This & That", insert two ampersand symbols. Write the menu item as "This && That", so that it displays correctly when the macro runs.

    • Like 3
  9. Thanks for the reply, Kevin. You are correct, when installing, I merely "passed over" the errors. I didn't write the needed registry keys/values. Everything seemed to install correctly, so I assumed everything was good. I suspect there will be quite a few registry items needed for the various functions, so I'll probably just wait and see if any new versions of MacExpPro are more lenient toward the PGM thing. No Worries. Thanks again. :-}

  10. I'm not positive if this is a PGM setup issue, or if I'm just doing MacExPro wrong in general...

    I'm trying to learn to utilize the PGM functions. For now, I'm just experimenting with the String - Reverse tool.

    I've imported the recommended components into my Macex.mex file (Though PgmFl_pro.mex is also open). See img.




    I can run the "String Example - Reverse" script and it works (though it doesn't seem to be using the other imported macros, based on the "Last run time = Never"), but if I try to write my own script and call the { String - Reverse } function, it doesn't work.


    Here is my script:

    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x01" Destination="%T10%" Mask="FALSE" OnTop="FALSE" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0"/>
    <MACRO RUN Use_ID="FALSE" Name="{ String - Reverse }" ID="-1" Wait="TRUE"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result of String Reverse" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\lang1033\\f0\\fs16 ReverseString: %T\\f1 10\\f0 %\r\n\\par \r\n\\par Result\\f1  T[1]\\f0 : %T[1]%\r\n\\par \r\n\\par Result\\f1  T1\\f0 : %T1%\r\n\\par \r\n\\par \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="800" Height="400" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>

    I do notice that the "Function Calling Method" prompt never shows for my homemade script.


    The header comments in the PGM script indicates

    Local Variables -
    T10 = Reverse string
    T1, T2, N1

    Does that mean I should be setting all of these var values before calling the PGM function?

    Or should my script actually be working (which might suggest that my PGM installation might not be right.)?
    Thanks All.


  11. Thanks for checking this out Kevin!

    I'm not sure that the proposed solutions are right though... Or maybe I just don't understand.


    The problem does occur here

    The Write Registry commands are now more restrictive. If an attempt is made to create this registry key:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Professional Grade Macros\Temp\T1

    as you've indicated.


    But these two keys

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Professional Grade Macros
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Professional Grade Macros\Temp

    do already exist. (see screenshot in OP, above)


    I went ahead and instructed {PGM Setup} to create the keys anyway (see shot below, lines 25, 26)




    But I get the same error at line 81 (actually line 83, since I added two lines).


    Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?



    as I looks more, it seems like MEpro is trying to READ

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Professional Grade Macros\Folders\Home"

    but the "...\Folders\Home" key doesn't exist... Only the "...\Temp\" one does.


    So I need to create, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Professional Grade Macros\Folders\Home right?

  12. Hi Folks,

    I'm glad to see this forum is still alive. It's been nearly 5 years since I've been here!

    I recently got on the MacExp site to see what's new, and I noticed that Professional Grade Macros made their Functions Library free! :) So obviously I downloaded and installed it.


    If {PGM Setup} is run it gives me the dialog "Must create some Registry values...." Then when I click OK, I get an error dialog "Cannot access specified registry value" on Line # 81 of { PGM Setup }.


    If I check my registry (with RegEdit) I do see the Professional Grade Macros/Temp/ keys. (see screenshot)





    Line 81 looks like it's trying to read HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Professional Grade Macros\Folders\Home even though that key has not been created... So I don't know...


    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


    I'm using MEpro and Windows 7. Also, I didn't want PGM or MEp putting files in my network locations at work (which they do by default) so I pointed everything to the Program Files/Macro Express/ local folder. It could also be that the antivirus at my work place is blocking things, but I don't think so... Usually if the antivirus falsely identifies a "threat" it will completely remove the file--which it is not doing here. I'm an administrator of the computer (though not the antivirus) but I went ahead and installed PGM in "Administrator mode" just to be safe. That did not help.



  13. Is there a way to do this?

    I have a folder of text files. The files in the folder change periodically (files get added or removed).

    I'd like to get the names of the files into a variable.


    I thought maybe I could do this with "Text file Begin Process" but that seems to only look at the contents of a single file, whereas I want the (file) contents of a single folder.



  14. I made a pop-up macro with some of my most-used system tools and called it "popup menu." I made the activation be a click in the top/left of my screen. I wanted to make it disappear off the screen when I'm done with it. I couldn't figure out how to make it disappear (without clicking the red [x]) so I made a second macro called “close popup menu” with the activation being Window Title, Partial Match = “popup menu” and the script being “Wait For Window to lose focus, then Close Window.” It works really well, but I went to edit my popup menu macro with the ME Editor and couldn’t because the “close popup menu” macro was reading the title and closing the macro editor! Also, I tried to alter the “close popup menu” script to “Window Title, EXACT match,” but I couldn’t do that either, because it was closing itself when I tried to open it! Funny –eh? No worries, I right-clicked on it in the main ME Editor window and chose “Disable Macro.” Then I was able to open it and change it… :rolleyes:

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