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Posts posted by rberq

  1. 2 hours ago, nkormanik said:

    aren't there a lot of uses for such a thing?


    You could put a delay within your macro -- in your example, right before the Page Down.  The Delay command can use a variable rather than a hard-coded value.  Each pass through the macro, update the variable from a file or a registry value or environment variable.  Write a second macro to increment the environment variable, and a third to decrement it.  So while the primary macro is running, you can dynamically slow it or speed it up by manually triggering the second and third macros.

  2. 1 hour ago, acantor said:

    "Windows Sizing Border" command

    Yes, still there in my version  Another command I have never used, or even noticed!  I would hesitate to use it, too -- Help says, "This is a system command that will affect any window currently open or any that will subsequently be opened."  Subsequently?  Like, forever? 


    Others I have never used are Shutdown, Power Off, and Reboot.  It would be too bad to have a macro consisting only of one of those commands, tell the macro to run at ME startup, and tell ME to start automatically at Windows startup. 

  3. So your results are different from mine with the same script.  I also tried the same script starting with a full-screen window.  My results were similar to a smaller window except that the positioning to 0,0, and the positioning to top-left-corner, resulted in the RIGHT margin being partially off the screen because the window was too wide for the screen.  I normally run my screen at 1366 X 768, but when I changed it to the "recommended" 1920 X 1080, the macro positioning worked fine with no right-margin problem. 


    So acantor's information about border thickness may be the answer.  Or -- shocking as it may seem -- Windows 10 may still have a few bugs. 😮

  4. I can't reproduce your problem on my Windows 10 / MEX Pro 4 system, for a window that is less than full-screen.
    With the macro below, I can see the window shifted partially off the screen by the first move.  It jumps to proper alignment, both visually and with the diagnostic display, by the second move.  There is no change by the third move.   

    Window Reposition: <Current Window> Position: -8, -8
    Variable Set Integer %x%: Set to the Current Window's Left
    Variable Set Integer %y%: Set to the Current Window's Top
    Text Box Display: Display window position
    Delay: 2 seconds, without ability to halt
    Window Reposition: <Current Window> Position: 0, 0
    Variable Set Integer %x%: Set to the Current Window's Left
    Variable Set Integer %y%: Set to the Current Window's Top
    Text Box Display: Display window position
    Delay: 2 seconds, without ability to halt
    Window Reposition: <Current Window> Move to the top-left corner
    Variable Set Integer %x%: Set to the Current Window's Left
    Variable Set Integer %y%: Set to the Current Window's Top
    Text Box Display: Display window position
    Macro Return


    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <WINDOW REPOSITION Option="\x00" Partial="TRUE" Wildcards="FALSE" Method="\x00" Left="-8" Top="-8" Monitor="0" _IGNORE="0x0006"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x09" Destination="%x%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x08" Destination="%y%"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Display window position" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 x = %x%\r\n\\par y = %y%\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x10" Time="2"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <WINDOW REPOSITION Option="\x00" Partial="TRUE" Wildcards="FALSE" Method="\x00" Left="0" Top="0" Monitor="0" _IGNORE="0x0006"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x09" Destination="%x%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x08" Destination="%y%"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Display window position" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 x = %x%\r\n\\par y = %y%\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x10" Time="2"/>
    <WINDOW REPOSITION Option="\x00" Partial="TRUE" Wildcards="FALSE" Method="\x02" Left="0" Top="0" Monitor="0" _IGNORE="0x0006"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x09" Destination="%x%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x08" Destination="%y%"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Display window position" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 x = %x%\r\n\\par y = %y%\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>


  5. Not to beat a dead horse, but this was fun to try as an experiment:  


    This macro (and a bunch more like it) works surprisingly well.  Even with the logging (to prove to myself that it was running), it easily keeps up with my typing, and I'm a pretty good typist.  The hotkey to start the macro is the letter "a", and the macro types the letter "a", but it could easily type a different letter.  So if you have only a few keys you want to remap, this would be practical.  If you want to change the whole keyboard from qwerty to Dvorak, this would be the hard way to do it. 


    Keystroke Speed: 0 milliseconds
    Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): a
    Log Messages to "C:\Temp\MacroExpressProLogFiles\MacroExpressPro_Macro_Log_File.txt"
      "Macro executed: 0a"
    Macro Return


  6. On 9/19/2021 at 1:58 PM, coffent said:

    How can I remap the keyboard?  Thanks for any suggestions.

    I have "sort of remapped" a couple individual keys by using them as a hotkey to trigger a macro.  The macro checks conditions and either performs its work, or simply text-types the original character, as appropriate.  In other words, except in special situations the macro simply acts as a pass-through for the key that triggered the macro.  I wouldn't want to remap the whole keyboard that way, though!😬

  7. 12 hours ago, Sebastian42 said:

    Since I thought I had come to the end of the road in Macro Express, and was going to run the macro from a batchfile anyway, I've explored doing the data copy by batch file code, and with help from someone in the Microsoft Community, I've been able to achieve that with one very simple line of code, which HAS to be preferable to the more complex code suggested in the previous post.

    Sometimes ME can dynamically build (then run) the simple line of code, or the whole batch file.  That's not needed if the batch commands do exactly the same thing every time, but it is useful if the batch does the same "function" but with variable data.  For example, macro 1 runs a standard directory list with output to a text file; macro 2 reads back the text, analyzes data file sizes, builds a different "copy" command batch file for each data file based on how big the file is today and whether the backup should be compressed or not; macro 3 runs the copies a few at a time to avoid overloading the server.  (That's a real application, as you may have guessed.)


    In other words, macros can utilize the simple and efficient batch commands, while applying logic and intelligence that otherwise would be lacking. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Sebastian42 said:

    It's not obvious to me where you got that list of running processes

    I have a macro that does it, using the Repeat with Processes command:


    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <LOG MESSAGES Filename="C:\\Temp\\MacroExpressProLogFiles\\MacroExpressPro_Macro_Log_File.txt" Message="Macro executed: 0_Running_Processes_Display_on_Screen" Stamp="TRUE"/>
    <LOG ERRORS Filename="C:\\Temp\\MacroExpressProLogFiles\\MacroExpressPro_Macro_Log_File.txt" Hide_Errors="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Display all running processes"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="....    set up CR-LF in T98"/>
    <VARIABLE SET TO ASCII CHAR Value="13" Destination="%T[98]%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET TO ASCII CHAR Value="10" Destination="%T[99]%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x07" Destination="%T[98]%" Variable="%T[99]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%T[1]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%T[2]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <REPEAT WITH PROCESSES Destination="%T[1]%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x07" Destination="%T[2]%" Variable="%T[1]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x07" Destination="%T[2]%" Variable="%T[98]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Process names are stacked in T2 variable, with trailing CRLF. "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Now split variable T2 out into an array, to be sorted.  Append CRLF to each name.  "/>
    <SPLIT STRING Source="%T[2]%" SplitChar="%T[98]%" Dest="%ProcessNames%" Index="1"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Testing, make sure last three array slots are full and all slots have some value"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%ProcessNames[300]%" Value="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%ProcessNames[298]%" Value="ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortindex1%" Value="1" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <GET ARRAY LENGTH Array="%ProcessNames%" Dest="%arraylength%" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <REPEAT UNTIL Variable="%sortindex1%" Condition="\x03" Value="%arraylength%" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Condition="\x00" IgnoreCase="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Value="ZZ" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%sortindex1%" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Sort array of process names "/>
    <GET ARRAY LENGTH Array="%ProcessNames%" Dest="%arraylength%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortindex1%" Value="0"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortindex2%" Value="0"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortlimit%" Value="%arraylength%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x08" Destination="%sortlimit%"/>
    <REPEAT UNTIL Variable="%sortindex1%" Condition="\x00" Value="%sortlimit%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%sortindex1%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortindex2%" Value1="%sortindex1%" Value2="1"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Condition="\x00" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <END IF/>
    <REPEAT UNTIL Variable="%sortindex2%" Condition="\x03" Value="%arraylength%"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Diagnostics -- indexes" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 %sortindex1%\r\n\\par %sortindex2%\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" Condition="\x00" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <END IF/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Condition="\x03" Value="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x08" Destination="%tempname%" Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x08" Destination="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x08" Destination="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" Variable="%tempname%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <END IF/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%sortindex2%"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Testing skip counting and removing duplicates *********************************************" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%skip%" Condition="\x01" Value="%skip%" IgnoreCase="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value="Remove and count duplicate names from list "/>
    <GET ARRAY LENGTH Array="%ProcessNames%" Dest="%arraylength%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortindex1%" Value="0"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortindex2%" Value="0"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortlimit%" Value="%arraylength%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x08" Destination="%sortlimit%"/>
    <REPEAT UNTIL Variable="%sortindex1%" Condition="\x00" Value="%sortlimit%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%dupcount%" Value="1"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%sortindex1%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%sortindex2%" Value1="%sortindex1%" Value2="1"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Condition="\x01" IgnoreCase="FALSE" _COMMENT="****1"/>
    <REPEAT UNTIL Variable="%sortindex2%" Condition="\x03" Value="%arraylength%"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Diagnostics -- indexes" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 %sortindex1%\r\n\\par %sortindex2%\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" Condition="\x00" IgnoreCase="FALSE" _COMMENT="                     ****2"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" Condition="\x03" Value="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%dupcount%" Condition="\x03" Value="1" IgnoreCase="FALSE" _COMMENT="                                               ****3"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x06" Destination="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Value=" (" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x06" Destination="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Value="%dupcount%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x06" Destination="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Value=" instances)" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <END IF _COMMENT="                                                                                                        ****3"/>
    <END IF _COMMENT="                                                                             ****2"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%sortindex1%]%" Condition="\x00" Value="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" IgnoreCase="FALSE" _COMMENT="      ****4"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%dupcount%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%ProcessNames[%sortindex2%]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <END IF _COMMENT="                                                                                                                                                 ****4"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%sortindex2%"/>
    <END IF _COMMENT="                                                                                                 ****1"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Testing skip counting and removing duplicates *********************************************" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Pull process names out of array, stack into %Display% with CRLF appended to each "/>
    <GET ARRAY LENGTH Array="%ProcessNames%" Dest="%arraylength%"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%index1%" Value="0"/>
    <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x00" Destination="%processcounter%" Value="0"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%display%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <REPEAT START Start="1" Step="1" Count="%arraylength%" Save="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%index1%"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%ProcessNames[%index1%]%" Condition="\x01" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x07" Destination="%processcounter%"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x07" Destination="%display%" Variable="%ProcessNames[%index1%]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x07" Destination="%display%" Variable="%T[98]%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <END IF/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="List of running processes" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\lang1033\\f0\\fs20 Number of processes: %processcounter%\r\n\\par \\f1 %\\f0 display\\f1 %\r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="632" Height="703" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Restore variables used by this macro" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x0B" Destination="%T[1]%" Value="WIN_DISPLAY_SAVE_T1" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x0B" Destination="%T[2]%" Value="WIN_DISPLAY_SAVE_T2" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x0B" Destination="%T[98]%" Value="WIN_DISPLAY_SAVE_T98" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x0B" Destination="%T[99]%" Value="WIN_DISPLAY_SAVE_T99" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _ENABLED="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value=" "/>
    <COMMENT Value="Done - exit"/>

  9. Now and then a version of Firefox comes along that doesn't want to close.  I use a .bat file as shown below, to kill and restart Firefox.  There are multiple "taskkill" commands, because there tends to be more than one Firefox process running -- don't know why.  The .bat file can be launched from a macro:
       Program Launch: "c:\menus\kill_firefox.bat" (Normal) Parameters:

    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
    taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe

    "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

  10. In my version of Firefox (91.0.2) the following sequence opens the library, then the Import & Backup, then the Backup screen.  I'm not sure why you need a "GET CONTROL".


    Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <CTRLD><SHIFTD>o<SHIFTU><CTRLU>    (library)
    Delay: 250 milliseconds
    Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <ALTD>I<ALTU>    (import/backup)
    Delay: 250 milliseconds
    Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): B   (backup screen)



  11. Yes, it certainly can be done.  Presumably you would use one macro to save the initial size and re-size the window; and a second macro to restore the initial size. 


    Command VARIABLE SET INTEGER can be used to load the original location and dimensions of the window into variables.  Commands WINDOW RESIZE and/or WINDOW REPOSITION and/or WINDOW MOVE AND SIZE can change the location and dimensions.  All pretty straightforward. 


    The hardest part probably is storing the integer values somewhere so they can be retrieved when it is time to reset the window location and size to the original.  Because it's simple and straightforward, I prefer writing the values to a temporary .txt file, and then reading the file when it's time to reset the window.  There are other places to store the values, such as environment variables or the registry.

  12. 2 hours ago, robgratt said:

    Tabbing to a specific button won't work either as the layout is different for each site.

    Perhaps you need a separate macro for each site.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "testing" the sites. 

    You can connect to a web site from within a macro like this (though I'm not quite sure why it works):

    Program Launch: "//www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml"" (Maximized)


  13. First thing I would try is:


    1) Right-click and rename the file appending whatever extension is desired:  filename.ext becomes filename.ext.xyz

    2) Double-click the name or ENTER to open it with the xyz-associated application; or launch the application via the macro

    3) Use a second macro to rename it back to the original after editing or whatever you want to do with the file


    Might run into trouble with this, there may well be some hitch I'm not thinking of.

    If all you want to do is look at the file, and don't plan to change and save it, the macro could copy it to a Temp folder/name with the xyz extension, and open it there. 

  14. 3 hours ago, acantor said:

    The problem I've had with UNTIL loops is the ease of getting into infinite loops.


    Ah, but don't we all write intentionally-infinite loops (REPEAT UNTIL %X% IS NOT EQUAL TO %X%)?  We do that because REPEAT START does not have a REPEAT INDEFINITELY option.  But I agree -- it is always wise to explicitly limit the loop in case, heaven forbid, we commit an error in logic.  Also, I generally embed the same 1/10 second delays like Cory does, if it's a macro the user is waiting for.  Longer or shorter delays when waiting for the computer itself to finish doing something, when human perception is not involved. 

  15. 10 hours ago, Sebastian42 said:

    To open one, File > Open File....  That is too cumbersome for my purposes - I want to activate them by hotkey.

    A .mex file is not a macro.  A .mex file contains many individual macros.  You don't have to open the .mex file every time you want to activate a macro.  Once you open it, it stays open, and all the macros within it can be activated via their hotkeys. 

  16. See screen image below.  The file that MEP is working from should appear at the bottom of the screen, where the red arrow is pointing. 


    You can copy the entire .mex file from the 'old' computer, and put it on the new computer -- just be sure to name it differently from the file that MEP is working from.  Then in Macro Explorer, select File | Import | Import Macros, specify the copied .mex file at the bottom of the import screen, click Open, then select the individual macros to be imported. 



  17. Do you mean Macro Express no longer starts up automatically when you start Windows?  Or do you mean it no longer works, period, even if you start ME manually? 


    Try reinstalling Macro Express and see if that starts it working again as you expect it to work.  Then just for fun see if the deleted items have come back. 

  18. I'm going to make a SWAG (Silly Wild-A** Guess).  It's not a solution so it will satisfy no one.  And my knowledge of Windows structure is vague enough I could be totally wrong.  There -- so much for disclaimers. 


    Q-Dir has been around for a long time.  Over the years, an application's relationship to the keyboard has evolved from the primitive ability to interact directly with the BIOS, to present-day highly-structured "layers" of software between the application and the hardware.  Perhaps Q-Dir generally adheres to Windows conventions, but has an old embedded module or two using an outdated technique that still works, but that sneaks in below the officially-correct level used by MEX.  Like coming in the back door instead of the front.  So sometimes MEX and Q-Dir communicate just fine, and sometimes not. 


    OK, there's my semi-magical-mystical view of the machine's mind.  Works for me, you guys can come up with your own religion.  😐

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