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Posts posted by oded

  1. I don't know of an *elegant* way to determine the last key pressed when using Macro Express. I can imagine some inelegant approaches, but I doubt they would be practical. Macro Express is extremely versatile, but intercepting keystrokes is not one of its strengths!

    Yes, I think the PRO version should include a feature lke that...

    Anyways, I've created a very simple macro which solved my problem :D

    Thank you Alan for all your help and kindness.

    Much appreciated!



  2. Of course my Windows version is a Hebrew one.

    The problem with this specific program is that it does not support right to left languages.

    Many other programs I use do support rtl languages and work flawlessly for me.

    I want to create a macro which would be activated only when this specific program runs and would "know" when Enter was pressed. So after Enter was pressed the macro will text-type alt+shift and change the cursor's direction to what I need.

  3. This functionality is not built into Macro Express, but it would not be too difficult to script a macro that changes the mouse cursor, either via the Mouse applet in the Control Panel, or via third-party mouse cursor software, such as Biggy.

    Normally when I need to change cursor's direction from ltr to rtl all I'm doing is press alt+shift and it's done!

    My problem is this: I type a lot of text in a certain program's window. I write in Hebrew (which is written from right to left) so I need a rtl cursor. At the beginning I change the cursor's direction to rtl by pressing alt+shift.

    However, every time I press Enter (which I do a lot) what happens is this: The cursor goes to the next line (which is good) and it's direction changes to ltr (which is bad...)

    This situation forces me to press shift+alt after every time I press Enter!

    I'm looking for a way to force MEP to do this job for me :rolleyes:

    Thanks for your answer.



  4. Moving or copying an entire folder is more complicated than it should be IMO, as discussed in this thread.



    I've now submitted a formal feature request.


    Like other well-designed ME commands, I think a new Move/Copy Folder command should be added. Its dialog would simply let you browse to the Target folder and Destination folder respectively (checking for the latter's existence in standard Windows fashion and giving you the option of creating it if not), and a checkbox asking whether you want to Move or Copy.



    Terry, East Grinstead, UK

    Thanks Terry :)

    However I can't understand why at first run (when the destination folder doesn't exist yet) the macro runs flawlessly, but gets stuck when destination folder already exists.



  5. I created a very simple macro which copies a folder (including all subfolders and files) to another disk.

    The name of the main (new) folder is changed.

    First time (when the new folder is still not created) the macro runs flawlessly, creates the new main folder and copies al subfolders and files.

    However when I try to run the macro again it doesn't work.

    There are about 100 subfolders and 1500 files.

    I thought the Copy File or Files command overwrites existing files and folders.

    If I'm right - why doesn't my macro work?

    If I'm wrong - is there a way to do it?




  6. I have a popup menu with 24 macros, having the activation letters A-X.

    When I add a new macro to the menu - regardless of it's location - it gets the letter A.

    I can activate the new macro by doubleclicking on it's name but can't use the activation letter (which is the way I'm used to work) because that would activate the first macro in the menu (the original A.)

  7. After importing all my ME3 macros I tried to run some of them and see how they work.

    What I've seen so far:

    1. MEPro asks me to provide a password for some of the macros.

    True, these macros used once to be password protected but I changed this long time ago.

    When I type the (used to be) password MEPro tells me the password is wrong :angry:

    I have found a way to overcome this: I tell MEPro I want to edit the macro (it lets me do this) and simply save the macro. Afterwards the macro runs flawlessly.

    Btw, the security tab says: "Password not set."

    2. Somehow, unlike under ME3 all IE windows ("web site" command) do not open maximized! How can I change this?


    Thanks for any help.



  8. What limitation? You said it works, correct?


    For the life of me I can't see why you would want to run a pop-up macro in the middle of a macro since the end result of the pop-up macro runs another macro. The only time I can see using it is when it's the last command in a macro. What is it you are trying to do?

    Yes, I said it works but as far as I understand there may be problems and as everybody says I'm using it "at my own risk."

    However I have written a totally different new macro and now everything is fine :lol:


    Thanks all for your kindness and help.


  9. I am sure that you are aware that Macro Express can only run one macro at a time. When the Macro Run command is used to launch a popup menu macro, the program may attempt to run two macros at once. If this happens Macro Express crashes.


    There are some circumstances where it works and others where it does not. We considered disabling this feature entirely but decided not to because there are some who are using it successfully.


    You have been warned. Use at your own risk.

    I understand.

    Is there some other way I can overcome this limitation?




  10. I've created a macro which includes the "Run Macro" command. It runs a popup menu macro.

    After inserting this command the following warning appeared:

    "Run Macro:

    The selected macro is a popup menu. Running a popup menu in this manner may not work correctly. Please use it at your own risk."

    So far the macro runs flawlessly.

    But I'm curious: What is the problem that might cause the macro not to work correctly? Is there a better way to run the popup menu without risking possible problems?


    Thanks for any help,


  11. Is the really the version number that you installed? The current version is v 3.7b or, as it is also known, v


    There were issues with v 3.7, especially on Vista, that were corrected with the subsequent versions 3.7a and 3.7b. If you indeed installed v 3.7 then I recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Macro Express. As I write this the latest version is v 3.7b.

    This is the best advice. I am sure that the support people can help you. If you wish, when your issue is resolve, you can return here and post the solution.



    I have received your private message and sent you the file you requested.

    The version I've installed is 3.7b (




  12. I have installed the new version 3.7 and have a lot of problems.

    Some of the macros work ok but most of them get the following error: "Macro Express encountered an error while attempting to read a command. The macro will be aborted."

    Just to clarify:

    I use Intel Pentium 4 with Windows Professional.

    While upgrading I logged in as administrator.

    When this didn't help I uninstalled Macro Express and reinstalled it.

    I've also handled the issue related to typing speed.

    Nothing helped :angry:

    The only solution I've found: I copy an existing macro (without making any changes) then the copied macro runs flawlessly...

    As I have a lot of macros copying all is out of question.

    What should I do in order to make the new version run smoothly?


    Thank you,



  13. Can't you just have your helper Macro move the mouse to the location you want before or after you've made your choice on the windows default popup menu?  That's what I do.  I have it move the mouse both before the popup menu and then after I have made a selection or closed the popup menu.

    I think that's what I'll do..


    Thanks again, Gary.



  14. Gary,


    I know I can't run two macros simultaneously.

    I'll try to clarify my question:


    I have two popupmenu macros: popupN (displaying nickname and scope) and popupW (displaying windows' default style.)

    I have two helper macros, each one containing just one line:

    hlperN (executing macro run command calling popupN macro) and helperW (executing macro run command calling popupW macro.)

    What happens is this:


    When I run helperN macro the popup menu (nickname and scope) is displayed and helperN gets back control! so I can add more commands (eg: mouse move) which is executed while the popup menu is still on screen waiting for my choice.


    When I run helperW macro the popup menu (windows default) is displayed but helperW doesn't get back control - so I can't add more commands (eg: mouse move) to helperW - not until I've made my choice first!!


    What I want is (after the menu is displayed on screen) first move the mouse to another location and only afterwards make my menu choice!


    HelperN lets me do it. HelperW doesn't!!


    Why does the way the popup menu is displayed effect the way the macro behaves?


    Thank you for your help :rolleyes:



  15. I have a very simple macro which runs a popup menu displayed by nickname and scope. Everything runs flawlessly.

    However when I change the popup menu to "Windows' default" display and run again my macro does display the popup menu ok (Windows style) BUT the macro doesn't end (namely the "running man" is still in the taskbar... :()

    This doesn't let me add more commands after the popup menu has been displayed.

    Why does changing the display of the popup menu cause this and how can I overcome the problem?


    Thanks for any help.



  16. Hello rolf,


    Sorry for the delay in responding.


    I have chosen "Copy file or files."


    This is my File(s) Path/Name: \\Ron\c\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents


    This is my New Name: E:\Ron backup\


    The point is that the file which causes the error (XYZ in my example) is a valid file which is located in the folder I want to copy.


    Best regards,


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