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Posts posted by koden

  1. Okay...this code will run the macro until the clipboard don't get anything.

    But when there is mail again how will it then start again?

    Am I right that your and jasons code only are half of my wishes :-) ?


    can i do this instead:


    I have to use empty clipboard the right places...know that :-)


    At 7 am i open my mail folder.

    There is ex. 100 mails

    I run a macro that make ctrl+c of the mail header

    If clipboard contains text it will run my macro 2 that handle the mail text

    When macro 2 is finished macro 1 runs again.

    When 100 mails are finished macro 1 will have an empty clipboard

    (if I in notes make a ctrl+c of NO mail header nothing happens and give me empty clipboard)


    In your ex. the macro will stop. But how do it start again when there is new mail?


    Could I do this:



    have macro 1 that copy to clipboard

    if there is data or not in clipboard run macro 2

    macro 2 will check if there is data

    if there is data run macro 3 (this will handle the mail)


    run the macro 1 again

    repeat end


    This macro will run from 7 am until I stop it.

    OR is there something I have'nt been ware of?

  2. I know all about what The If Clipboard command does :-)

    I use clipboard empty.


    It's what the integer do i don't understand.


    I do understand that the loop is running so far as the N1=0

    Loop will stop when N1=1. But when will N1=1? When clipboard is empty???


    My problem is that I don't understand how this is used in my macro.

    That I use notes does'nt matter.

    It could be any program.

    The case is about the clipboard containing something or not.


    If I have understand you right, then this loop will run all the time and check if something get to clipboard.

    If clipboard is full then my macro 2 will run.

  3. Hmm...

    Have tried your ex....i think :-)

    But maybe I don't understand it, because it's not working.

    The code just copy the mail header all the time. Just running in ths loop no mather if there is mail or not.

    I know I'm doing something wrong but what?


    What happens in 2 first lines in your code EX. ?


    As I see it's checking all 24 hours (all the time).

    Is it possible to set a 7am-17pm time on this macro, so it's not running in night?


    Do you meen this? :



    Variable Set Integer %N1% to 0

    Repeat Until %N1% = 1

    // clipboard empty

    // activate the folder in the mail program

    // copy mail header

    If Clipboard Text Equals ""


    End If

    Repeat End



    I will unterneed here try to explain exaxtly what i need. So far as my english can do it :-)


    I need a macro 1 that cheks if there is a mail in a folder.

    I do this by copying the mail header text and check if clipboard is empty or not

    If clipboard is full then run macro 2.

    If there is no mail the clipboard is empty and then macro 1 will stop.


    But it has to start aut. again from start, IF not the macro 2 is running.


    What I understand from your code is, that the macro just have to check, run the macro 1 and when finnished then check again a.s.o

    But how will it start again aut. when there is no mail and break has been activated?


    Sorry if I confusing you instead of asking, but I don't figure out to this :-))

  4. I have just found another way......


    My macro starts with copying the email "header" (don't know what it's called. The text you can se before opening mail. date,sender a.s.o.)

    If clipboard contains one of 4 special words the macro for one of the 4 words is running... this macro i already use, just manually.


    If clipboard is empty, there is no mail and i can use macro stop. If there is mail the macro go on with one of the 4 macros depending on whats in the mail.


    But after macro stop. How do i get it running again.....

    I still need some loop or what?

  5. hello....


    I have a macro that open mails from a folder in lotus notes, and copy and use the text.

    I manually (with a prompt) set the macro to run so many times as there is mails.


    but I would now like that it run aut. when there is new mails.

    I have found out that the best way to do this is to be standing in the folder and make a ctrl+e.

    This will open a mail if there is any. If there is'nt any mail it will do nothing.

    I can then check wich window is active.


    But this macro only haves to run when my first macro is not running.


    How do I get my "check mail" macro to run every minute but only when no other macro is running????

  6. I have forgotten to answer back on this. I never got it used. But now I will try again.


    It's new and alredy read mails. So nr. 2 does not work.


    Nr. 1 I will try.


    I'm trying to find out if there is a count that I can reach.

    There is a count when i select all mails.

    The number is in the buttom of the screen, but it's not possible to mark it.

    Only vissible....

  7. I think you have misunderstood. but what the... :-) my english is'nt the best, so no wonder why :-)


    The problem was that I have a list with server names.

    I copy one name and set it into notepad.

    But sometimes the clipboard did not copy the name and the old name was in the clipboard.


    Then there would be 2 names of the same in notepad.


    Så what i needed was just to check that the clipboard did'nt still have the old servername. :-)

  8. I can't find out to do following thing:


    I run thru a lot of server names.

    I copy the server name and put it into notepad, copy next server name and put it into notepad a.s.o.


    But I would like to make a check, so that if the server name already exist in the notepad, then the macro should stop.

    Because sometimes the clipboard don't get the new server name. Don't know why...


    I think it would be easyer to do in the macro than comparing with the notepad.


    I would do it this way:


    copy server name to T1 and copy the server name to notepad.

    next copy I would like to compare with T1 before paste into notepad.

    IF clipboard and T1 is the same, macro should stop.

    If not macro should paste clipboard to notepad and change T1 to the new value.


    Do you understand and can i do this???

  9. Hello


    I use remote server on my pc. On the terminal server i log on to diff. servers.

    I would like to run a macro from my pc without installing it on the servers.


    I have tried to do it with mouse clicks.

    But what I click manuel is not workin when the macro runs...


    I works fine, but one thing is not working.

    I copy from the remote server and go to a notepad omn my pc.

    I ctrl+v to my notepad.

    I go back to the remote picture.

    I make a arrow down

    I can see the color is moving down to next object, but the mouse cursor is not moving.

    So when i then make a right click, it's the mouse cursors position and not the objects color, that the macro uses. And that is the object from last time...


    When i do a manuel mouse move and right click it works fine...


    Do you understand my problem?

    In short description the problem is: right click used the mouse arrow as position and not what is highlightet.


    Anyone tried this before?


    PS. is there anything I have to take notice of, when i use macro ekspress and remote servers.

    remote server I surpose is another computer on my computer, so maybe there vcan be a problem about that???

  10. OK. Thanks... maybe because my english could be better...But I don't understand how this should be done:


    "You can copy a (macro library) just like any other file/folder on your computer (using My Computer/Windows Explorer). You could, in fact, copy your folders containing macro files from one computer to another"


    If i right click a folder in my macro program, there is no copy.

    And If you mean to find a folder on the computer where the folders are, then I can't find this place...


    Is it the same folder we are talking about?

    The folder i think is the folder i have made in my macro program and where i have my macro files.

    Folders i have is "all categories" "unassigned" and the one I have made.


    I have 2 MEX files. I would like to merge the MXE files from the 2 MEX files in one of the MEX files og a new one if thats bether.

    But I can only find out to do it one at the time with export MXE file to a folder, shut down the MEX file. Open the other MEX file and import the MXE files one by one.


    I would like to merge the files in one time???

  11. I have 2 macros on 2 computers.

    Now I would like to put it all to the one computer and run macro from there.


    But how do I export the foldres with my macro files to the other computer and put them into the macex file there?


    Do I export them as playable macros?


    I have about 5 folders with about 25 macros.

    If i have to export all as playable then i have to do it one at the time and give them a name.

    Take some time....

  12. Okay..thats why. Thanks..


    maybe I should ask different.


    I have copyed this to clipboard:




    dghdsghdhjdhjd dsjhdhjdjhdhjdjh

    sjhdshjdhjdhjdhjdjk Objects XXX sdhjsdfjkdskjfhjd

    ashdgash sadjkashdjksdkajsld



    What I need is to FIND and get XXX into a variabel. XXX is a number from 1-999.

    Objects is a word that always exist in the copy text.


    How to do that??

  13. I copy some text from a mainframe 3270 window.

    If i put it into a notepad, I can remove spaces as was it all typed.


    But if i put the same into t21 and then run TRIM T21 it does not remove spaces.

    Why that?


    Is the trim not for remove spaces??

  14. This function I use a lot.

    But is it right that this function checks that the window name is in front but not if the full window is up?


    In my programs this hapens:


    The window comes in front, but some of the window is stil hanging and is coming 1 sek. later.


    Is there a function that can wait until the whole window is finished with updating?

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