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simple, Simple, SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow! i can't believe I can't figure this out. I created a simple macro to show the dashed outline of pages in Excel. The macro I made is:

Keyboard > Text Type <CONTROL>P

Keyboard > Text Type <ESC>

When I do this manually it works..........every time. When I try it with MacroExpress Pro 6.g.9.1 it ALWAYS brings up the "Format Cells" dialog box. I've tried various activations (alt+a, alt+e, alt+s, ctrl+t, ctrl+e). You get the idea. They ALL bring up the "Format Cells" dialog.  I've tried both Global and specific window/program scope. Still nothing. I'm probably doing something basically wrong, but I don't know what. If I had any hair left, I'd be pulling it out by the handfuls. Please help.

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