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Make Macro Continue To Work


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this macro will make my char in a game just sit there and swing hammers exactly what it is supose to , my propblem is if i click on another chat program, it quits swinging hamers until i bring the window back up top and put mouse curser in the game window.... how do i make it work while window is minimized..

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Because Windows stops sending keystrokes and mouse clicks to a program when it is minimized or not focused, the Text Type, Control Key Down/Up and Mouse Left Button Down/Up do not get sent to a minimized or unfocused window. If your application supports Window Controls, you may be able to use the Window Control commands to use Text Type Control Key Down/Up and Mouse Single Left Click on Control.

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  • 3 weeks later...

forgive me if im real new to this but i didnt undrstand a word of that lol sorry,

i have tried and tried but maybe it will help if i tell the game

DiabloII expansion

i need to have 2 games on the same computer running



or something simular


i can run 2 games or more, but only can run macro on the top most window


help plz

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ssteppin said

...but only can run macro on the top most window

Kevin said

Because Windows stops sending keystrokes and mouse clicks to a program when it is minimized or not focused
Minimized or not focused = not the 'top most window'.

Windows controls what is sent to which open window. Windows will only send keystrokes, (or mouse clicks) to the top most window. Therefore Macro Express can only send keystrokes, (or mouse clicks) to the top most window.


Macro Express has commands to change which window is top most. So it can set focus to the other window, send keystrokes or mouse clicks, and then set focus back to the first window.

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