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Floating, Vs Popup Menu, Please Clarify


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to all,

I'm working with floating, vs popup, macro's, vs multiple choice windows.



is a FLOATING menu bar actually a running macro, or is it that it just CALLS macro's with its buttons?


If ONE macro is running (I clicked on the floating menu bar, started macro #1)

and I click on the Macro #2 button, in the floating menu bar -

will macro #2 run, or is it PREVENTED from running, since macro #1 is running?



Can multiple floating menus be present at once?


SIMILAR questions for popup menu's, as above....



how to get the macro title to show up, when mouse-hovering over each icon; once that menu window has been de-focused,t he buttons will still respond, but the titles do NOT show up with a mouse-over.

you have to actually do a loop to disable/enable the menu, so it re-focuses it




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is a FLOATING menu bar actually a running macro, or is it that it just CALLS macro's with its buttons?

It is a macro that calls other macros but it is internal to the player (macexp.exe), like a system macro.


will macro #2 run, or is it PREVENTED from running, since macro #1 is running?

Macro Express 3 only allows for a single macro to run at any given point in time. Your macro #2 will run, but only after #1 finishes.


Can multiple floating menus be present at once?



but the titles do NOT show up with a mouse-over

This also answers your question in the Mouse-over, Icon, Text-display post. My theory is that, although floating menus can be set up to look like floating toolbars, they are still only windows. If you set focus to the floating menu by clicking on the title bar then the tool tips become active again because the window is active again.

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thanks for reply.


I'm getting used to these bars.

One solotion to the focus issue is I've created a macro that just refreshes the focus, does nothing else, and re-calls the toolbar. Clicking on that, the icons now show up their titles with mouse-over.


The REASON for the actual macro is so it also can have an icon, and then the staff has an easy way to get the titles back, rather than having them do something different (clicking on the window title bar to get focus) so that Ican just give them buttons to push.

it works well.



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