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Is it possible to convert MEP to AutoIT or executables?

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I've put a lot of work into creating MEP files and was wondering if it's possible to convert them into AutoIT scripts or somehow make an executable file since our company won't let everyone install MEP on their machines.

Thanks in advance for any help.


You would need to start from scratch with AutoIt, although you may be able to "borrow" the logic from your MEP scripts.


Unfortunately, MEP scripts do not run without MEP. There is no way to convert MEP scripts to exe files. The ability to convert Macro Express scripts to free standing executables is my number one feature request. Because it is not available, I started scripting with AutoHotkey for certain tasks.


A couple of years ago, I made the case for an organization installing Macro Express on about 20 PCs. They embraced the idea because there was no doubt that the macros made employees more productive.

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Sure, I've converted a few ME3 scripts to AutoHotkey over the years. Both AutoIT and AutoHotkey are more powerful than Macro Express, although their learning curves are steeper. They don't come with nice GUIs either, unless you count SmartGUI Creator for AutoHotkey, or the Window Spy utility for AutoIT/AutoHotkey.


I thinking what you're really asking is: "Is there a program or script to automatically convert MEP scripts to AutoIT scripts?"


Unfortunately, the answer is no (so far). As Alan mentioned, you will need to go through your MEP scripts slowly, and translate the logic to AutoIT/AutoHotkey code.





Hey there,

I've put a lot of work into creating MEP files and was wondering if it's possible to convert them into AutoIT scripts or somehow make an executable file since our company won't let everyone install MEP on their machines.

Thanks in advance for any help.



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Thanks for the info. My building administrator is on board, but since I work in an organization of many thousands, the regional head of IT has not been willing to pony up the resources to support this project, in part because of the need to install MEP on every machine. Oh well. I can use the logic of my algorithms still.


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