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Funny Tab Problem


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At work i have got a new pc.

In the program where i use my macro i have this problem on the new pc:


When I in my program make "macro" TAB then it stops in a certain field.

I have tryed to make a TAB ekstra, but it still stops in the same field.


I know that you don't know my program.

But i think it's not the program.

I think it maybe has to do with the java version I have on my NEW pc.


Have any one else problem with macro and java????

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Hmm...the tab problem has made a new dimension...


This time the problem is, that in "my program" where I use my macro, something strange happens.


This program called "USD" opens sometimes up, and a button is marked and I can tab from there.

Other times it opens, and the button is not marked, and I can't tab.


I know it's proberly the program that has an error.


But my question is:


Is there a general rule how programs start up?

Where does the cursor start and what is the default normally?

Or is it individual from program to program?

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