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Everything posted by terrypin

  1. Thanks Cory. I have reported formally to ISS. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  2. Suppose you are editing several macros in Script Editor. In Explorer, you select one of these macros, open Macro Properties, select the Activation tab, and change the Properties of the shortcut in some way. Then OK twice to get back to Explorer. But in Script Editor this change is not reflected. If you then use Save or Save & Close (either immediately or later after making more edits to the script) you lose the Activation change made earlier. Here, the most common change I'd make was from Use global settings to Customize Settings, so this caused considerable confusion until I eventually discovered the cause today! -- Terry, East Grinstead
  3. Thanks for sticking with me on this. More tests show that the problem arises when the variable T[1] is set, which is done with a sub-macro: Macro Run: Copy Name to T1 // Copy name to T1 Copy Name to T1 activates another application, places the cursor at the RH end of a text box (at co-ords relative to the window), types Shift+Home and then Clipboard Copy, to get T[1]. Using a minimalised test version of the main macro with a 5-loop Repeat, here's a typical result in Notepad, which occurs for about 8-10% of the copies. C:\Docs\Maps\GPS+GPX files\TEMP-GPX\20020515-Danehill-Walk(Drawn).gpx C:\Docs\Maps\GPS+GPX files\TEMP-GPX\20020515-Danehill-Walk(Drawn).gpx C:\Docs\Maps\GPS+GPX files\TEMP-GPX\20020515-Danehill-Walk(Drawn).gpx C\;Docs\Maps\GPSGPX f=iles\TEMP-GPX\20020515-Danehill-Walk(Drawn).gpx <-- Note the two errors C:\Docs\Maps\GPS+GPX files\TEMP-GPX\20020515-Danehill-Walk(Drawn).gpx I can't be sure without indefinite testing of course, but I think that if an error does occur it always includes that semi-colon. So, as I'm getting pessimistic about finding the root cause, I'm considering building in a repeat loop which tests for that, and copies again if it finds a semi-colon. Desperate measures, but ... -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  4. I'd have thought the latter - when I press Prt Scr I want it to do what it says on the label! -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  5. Thanks both. I ran your macro Steve a dozen times with perfect results. With the main command changed to something more like mine, C:\Docs\abc\defghjk\123.txt I again got repeated perfect results. And again with that string in the clipboard and using Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <CONTROL>v<ENTER> The command causing the intermittent text corruption looks like this: Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): C:\Docs\Maps\GPS+GPX files\TEMP-GPX\%T[1]%.gpx I use SHIFT, rarely SHIFTU/SHIFTD, same as you Cory. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  6. The colon ':' features regularly in my macros, as in C:\ etc. But TextType commands often type this as a semi-colon ';'. Despite slowing down the typing with Keystroke Speed (=50ms, even 100ms) I've still not solved this. Anyone else get similar problems please? -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  7. In the absence of a response I decided to post my own screenshot a few minutes ago, showing how my dialog has no underlined letters. I used my capture program, Snagit and pasted the result into IrfanView. I was astonished to find that the underlines were now present! But back in ME Pro Explorer, they were still missing. I closed and restarted. Still no underlines. And now, after many repeat attempts, I can't even get them with that capture/paste trick. So some very weird stuff going on here. Anyone have any clue as to what please? Anyone else not seeing underlined letters? Edit: OK, sorted. If anyone else ends up here with the same problem, then here's the fix. After much more googling I discovered that they are hidden by default. (If I ever knew that, I'd forgotten!) In XP at least, this setting controls it, and here it was enabled: Desktop r-click > Properties > Appearance > Effects > Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  8. OK, here's another. If I click the drop down next to the poster's name and choose Members Profile (e.g. to find out why Joe calls Paul 'OzMan'), I get a message telling me I'm not allowed to use that feature. Same when I try to view my own profile. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  9. I don't see any underlined letters in the Create New Macro window. Could you post a screenshot? -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  10. Paul may have seen it elsewhere, but in Help under Stopping a Macro I read: "If more than one macro is running when pressing the abort sequence or right mouse clicking on the Running icon, a list displays of those macros currently running. Select which macro to terminate." BTW, note that the message naming a single running macro (or the 'multiple' message I described in my last post) pops up when hovering, not r-clicking. Also, left-clicking the tray icon closes macros too. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  11. Noticed that Explorer no longer contained a Category column. Had a few crashes earlier so maybe that caused it. Or possibly since exporting of the special 'shortkey' MEX file I sent to ISS, followed by re-opening my FULL.MEX file. Whatever the cause, it's a PITA! I used the macdef.exe solution Stan recommended the last time, but of course I've had to reset all my preferences. And once again all 'Last Run Times' are now showing 'Never'. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  12. I bet it will come down to the syntax of the commands you've used, particularly the Run Macro in Variable, but you haven't posted that. Edit: As I suspected, the code needs an obscure change to this: <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="abc" Content="{\\\\rtf1\\\\ansi\\\\ansicpg1252\\\\deff0\\\\deflang3081{\\\\fonttbl{\\\\f0\\\\fnil\\\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\\\f1\\\\fnil Tahoma;}}\\r\\n\\\\viewkind4\\\\uc1\\\\pard\\\\f0\\\\fs16 def\\\\f1 \\r\\n\\\\par }\\r\\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\\x00" Delay="0"/> The macro then produces the correct result. Unfortunately the Help is a bit thin, so this was largely a matter of trial/error. After reading the table under: This table shows several other substitutions for characters that cannot be added directly to a macro command: I tried (amongst many other things!) changing all instances of '\' to '\\', which happily gave the proper result. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  13. What's the best way of getting queries like the following answered and actioned please? 1. If I use the Search tool in this forum (top right, left of Help), then click More Search Options, then Advanced Usage Help, I just get the same page again. 2. I used to be able to attach a file when sending a PM, but can no longer do so. It seems the facility has been disabled. 3. I asked some months ago whether it was possible to remove the 3-character restriction on search terms, to allow useful words like 'bug' and 'fix' and some members' names, but had no response. Edit: I've now found the email link to sysop@pgmacros.com so I've copied my queries to that address. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  14. This look to me like a minor bug but before I report it I'd appreciate confirmation from other users please. If I use the Position Manually option in the Text Box Display command, and drag the message window to enlarge it, then the word-wrapping gets scrambled. Spaces appear mid-word and mid-line etc. To see the correct result - for example to see whether an instruction now appears in one line as a result of widening the box - I have to close and repeat the procedure. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  15. Yes, I reproduced that. On hovering over the running man icon the message does say there are "Macros currently running", plural, but doesn't say what they are or give me any choice which to close. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  16. Thanks Cory, understood. OK, that's disappointing. The standard Windows saving procedure is so familiar and robust that it's a pity to have to duplicate it. I was hoping there would be a command or clever routine that would let me identify the folder in which the save was being made (or in which the last save had just been made). I thought at first that the Current Folder would change, but apparently not. Oh well ... I may raise this as a feature request in that case. It's very timely that you mentioned the File Exists issue. I've been puzzling over the best way to deal with that last night. Of course, it depends on how I do the save procedure. But suppose I persist with using the standard Windows routine, using ME Pro to specify the filename and letting the user browse to the location. (Leaving aside the problem that ME Pro then doesn't know the full path). If the macro then clicks Save (or keys Enter) and the file already exists, Windows displays a message and asks the user whether to go ahead with the save (over-writing the previous) or cancel. But the macro continues regardless, usually hiding the message, which at best the user only then sees by accident later. What's the recommended way of handling that please? If I add a Pause or Text Display right after the save that would probably make the Windows message visible, but would be a wasteful interruption on the majority of occasions. Edit: I've come up with one way of handling the File Exists issue which seems reasonably unobtrusive. After the preparatory commands (filename, extension type, default path for start of any further browsing) I've inserted a Text Display that says something like "Save the file (including a response to any message about file already existing). Then close this to continue." I'd still appreciate any other suggestions on this side issue please, as well as any further thoughts on the main topic. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  17. Both nircmd and Paul's AutoIt work fine. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  18. I thought this would be simple but I'm struggling a bit. My macro saves a file, let's call it %UserFile%, letting the user browse to the required location. But how do I capture that path please, so that I can immediately open the same file in another application? -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  19. Hey, that was fast work - well done and thanks! Looking forward to the next release but meanwhile I'll try to avoid that issue. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  20. OK, I've put another couple of hours into this. I've emailed Support an MEX file which includes all 132 of my macros that are activated with shortkeys (prefix ##). Of those, the following 10 give apparently invalid duplication warnings: ms, t1, rs (disabled), rm, om, nt10r, my, mm, gm, 21. Hope this helps to isolate the problem. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  21. ## suits me fine. Single finger, next to Enter. Even a 2-finger 'pecker' like me that's never mastered touch-typing can tap those in pretty fast. In my case comma would be an unwise choice, because in full flow I occasionally skip the required space after a comma! None of the shortkeys I listed include a single 'm'. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  22. OK Kevin, I've done that for one macro that consistently gives the apparently invalid warning. As already mentioned, its activation is only by shortkey which is 'ms'. My 2-character prefix is '##'. None of the other 18 other shortkeys that start with 'm' which I listed are disabled. Edit: I actually sent the code for that specific macro, but on re-reading I see you ask for the file. I don't think I want to send you my 600-macro MEX file, and I wouldn't envy you trying to make sense of it! -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  23. No, I've had this with several different shortkeys. Today for example it's happened each time I edited the macro to which I've assigned 'ms'. FWIW, my prefix is ##. And other macros use the following, starting with 'm': m2, m3, ma, mebug, mgn, mgy, mhc, mj, mk, mm, mo, mp, ms, mt, mu, mv, mx, my, mz -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  24. Yes. I reported this as a bug and on 26th January ISS assigned it the tracking number [iSS6470]. -- Terry, East Grinstead, UK
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