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terrypin last won the day on October 18 2022

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    East Grinstead, West Sussex, UK

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  1. Thanks, that's what I get now ... but I'm still pretty sure it used to have what I call a 'conventional' windows title bar. Like Firefox. No big deal, of course; as you say, still easy to identify in MX Pro commands.
  2. Writing a trivial macro for my Chrome browser. On entering a Window Activate command I noticed that Chrome does not have a window title at the top. I'm sure this was there last time I looked! But apparently it's a change made last September. Can't believe I've only just become aware of it. Feedback appreciated please. https://superuser.com/questions/1718163/chrome-100-is-missing-the-title-bar BTW, I have now changed back to the 'Classic' version, but the title is still missing.
  3. Thanks, same version. But further investigation shows it's down to my macro suddenly behaving erratically. On first occasion it fails to complete (well, I waited about 20 s), but next time was just slower than it had been, at about 2 s. Will investigate further, but meanwhile simply disable it.
  4. I'm not so sure? What size and position do others see when first opening the Script Editor window by d-clicking a macro in the MX Explorer window? Here it opens at smaller height than when last used. Although my macro 'Action on opening MX Script Editor' then fixes it. Just curious to know what's going on? In fact until Kevin's post I had assumed it was a Windows 10 update quirk, not an MX bug.
  5. After another Win 10 update overnight my desktop background image (whatever it is, solid or other) is cropped and confined to the left half of the screen. And now MX's Explorer window suffers the same behaviour as the script window. A PC restart thankfully appears to have restored my desktop to normal behaviour. But whatever it's done to cause the MX irritation remains. In case it's of help to anyone else I've attached a screenshot showing likely WU culprits:
  6. Many thanks, pleased to hear I can stop searching for other causes! BTW, MX Pro Explorer in contrast has continued to open in the same size and position as it's done for, what, a couple of decades.
  7. Hi all, Just want to exclude MX Pro as the cause of the following odd behaviour. For a few weeks when I now open the Script Editor it always displays in a central medium sized window (space on all sides). Attempts to get it back to its regular (20;year old?) position on the right of my Win 10 screen so far in vain. Anyone seen similar? No big deal - I have a macro that repositions, resizes and sets width of panes - but I fret over unsolved puzzles. 🙂 Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  8. Thanks Alan. I meant this window that can be displayed with F5 (or Debug > Show Variable Values), directly after running a macro with F9 (or Debug > Test Run). But the good news is that your post prompted me to try it again - and it's now OK! Hence my screenshot. Previously I got nothing. One of those glitches, hopefully a one-off 🙂 Terry
  9. Hi guys. Long time since I did much editing in MX Pro, and maybe years since I used this debug tool, so I expect this is down to me... Tried several (working) macros with F9 and then hit F5 (or used the menu), but puzzled to find that does not open the expected window. Terry, UK; MX Pro
  10. I assume you mean Lemming's two sed files (.mex and .zip) from nearly 13 years ago? If so, I was able to download both. What problem are you having.
  11. Thanks Alan. What version? Any evidence the usage has increased recently? I use a lot of delays (probably more than necessary). Much shorter than that being discussed, of course, but this has me wondering if brief CPU surges could affect other work.
  12. I've investigated and pleased to find that I was mistaken. An untypical situation. I'd set it to 40 mins instead of the regular 2 or 3. (Failure to collect wife from railway station more serious than over-brewing my teabag.) Decided to use the simple macro hotkey instead of editing one of my more complex alarms - the sort we discussed recently. Its reminder message was still running when I returned to PC hours later. Thought I'd confirm my assumption that it didn't prevent other macros working. So ran a simple shortkey macro in my text editor. That failed to type its string. And again. But my conclusion was too hasty. That (and several of my scores of shortkey macros) have occasionally been unreliable before. That was the cause! 😉
  13. Thanks, appreciate your taking the time to check. Was that in MX Pro 6.4.01? I'm surprised I haven't noticed this long ago. I was using Timed Delay until recently, but yesterday I set it for a much longer period (40 mins). Frustrated at being unable to run any other macro, so changed it to Delay. May reverse that now.
  14. I've used the ultra simple macro below for years. (Usually to remind me - engrossed on PC - to remove tea bag from freshly poured mug of tea.) But I've just noticed this morning that it was consuming over 12% of my CPU. Must be the Delay command. Perhaps since recent update to version Cannot pursue until I get back later home later but meanwhile wonder if one of you could try it please? Tuesday 18 October 2022, 0928. Variable Set Integer %nMinutes%: Prompt Delay: %nDelay% seconds Variable Modify Integer: %nDelay% = %nMinutes% * 60 Delay: %nDelay% seconds Sound File: Alarm-Classic.wav Text Box Display: <VARIABLE SET INTEGER Option="\x01" Destination="%nMinutes%" Prompt="Enter the time delay required in minutes before the alarm should be heard." Mask="FALSE" OnTop="TRUE" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0"/> <DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="%nDelay%"/> <VARIABLE MODIFY INTEGER Option="\x02" Destination="%nDelay%" Value1="%nMinutes%" Value2="60"/> <DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="%nDelay%"/> <SOUND FILE File="C:\\Users\\terry\\Sounds\\Sound Effects\\Alarm-Classic.wav" Wait="FALSE" _PROMPT="0x0007"/> <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang2057{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\qc\\b\\f0\\fs58 %nMinutes% mins\\fs16 \r\n\\par \r\n\\par \\fs58 Finished\\b0\\f1\\fs16 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>
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