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Posts posted by Cory

  1. I already suggested that. You could even have ME arrange them so that no matter which is on top both title bars are visible and a mouse click away. It's crude but it should work.


    Solutions like that don't appeal to me, it's not elegant enough. What if another window popped up in the mean time or a gazillion other what-ifs.


    The inability of ME to cope with this is a shortcoming. Hopefully they will address this in the future.

  2. I too have run into this same problem. For instance eMail messages often have the same title or programs like calculator. If I understand correctly you are re-launching the application as a workaround which is slower.


    Since almost ever window manipulation in ME relies on the name the only thing I could think of is to use ALT+TAB to go back and forth. Or you could have ME position the two windows in such a way that you could mouse click on either of the visible title bars. You could even get the window position and such at run time in case it changes. Hmmm… There must be a better way though.

  3. Wow, you guys are golden gods. <g> Where to start…


    You confirmed my suspicions that it can be done and it looks fairly lean. I can’t understand the code in your script but it doesn’t look too complicated and I half understand the rest. My feeling is that I can’t simply borrow the script and modify it. Normally if I try to do this I get one little piece of syntax wrong and it won’t work so I think I would need a functional understanding. Otherwise I would rely on you all to write it for me which isn’t fair. Unless I could hire one of you. But if that were to happen I would want more than the script in the way of a mini education. I hate relying on things I don’t understand.


    So given I don’t know the difference between VB, VBA and VBA and the last language I programmed in was Pascal on a Digital VAX VMS8600 where would I start? Is there some cool online training I can subscribe to or some cool book? I’ve been wanting to learn VB for a long time but I haven’t had a need yet. And how much do I need to know to get done what I need for now?


    What is WshShell? What is MeProc?


    I don’t want to pester you script gods but I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction to learn so that I can make use of your posts. If you are interested in helping prior to gaining this education I would be willing to hire if inexpensive enough. If you’re like attorneys or Db programmers who get $100+ per hour forget I said anything. <g>

  4. Unfortunately even if it were able to access it without opening Excel it wouldn't make any difference. The linked data in a spreadsheet can't be updated until the file is actually opened.


    I'm curious, does Randall's routine require the file to be open or is it accessing it directly? If it does not maybe he could create an equivelant for Access.


    Thanks for the suggestion.

  5. Yeah it's curious but given this was an odd way to accomplish something no one would ever know or care about it. To be honest I didn't even think it would be possible to get text into a clipboard in this manner! But it is fun to see strange little things like this in action and someday it may be of use.


    I feel your pain on the front of hidden features. Often one can find a solution buried in another command section and sometimes the organization of the commands categories seem lacking but it's generally pretty good. It just takes time to become familiar with all the commands and their options.


    What's worse are the tricks in command combinations. For instance if you need to pad an integer as text. I once wrote a mathematical routine so numerical file names would appear in order. Then one day I discovered that one could convert to text, pad left, then substitute zeros (or should I say Zed) for the spaces! Duh! 3 simple lines! I need to put more of these on my website for all. Seeing some of these combinations take chess master intelligence. Of course these forums help a lot!

  6. I have several macros for one client that rely on data in an Access Db. Since ME can’t directly access this they routinely export queries to text files. I know one can access a Db fairly easily with Visual Basic but I am not a programmer. I reckon if one knew VB and ME it would be feasible to create a link between worlds. Has anyone any experience with this? All comments welcome.

  7. I see your problem. I popped open my hex editor and the char is an “End of Text” (hex 03). Have no clue how it got there but I thought I would toss that out in case anyone else knew what it was about.


    I have no solution to the strange character but I think it odd to use the clipboard this way. If it were me I would set my text to a string var and push that to the clipboard form the String Modify command.


    <TVAR2:01:01:abc ><TMVAR2:16:01:00:000:000:>


    More elegant IMHO.

  8. will not start the macro key

    I’m not sure what you are saying but if you’re describing the inability to launch a hotkey macro see if they are running IE7 in Protected Mode. It’s my understanding that this must be disabled for ME to launch from a hotkey even if IE is not open.

  9. Uh... It's the "Repeat Start" command in the Repeat group. There is no configuration or whatever to repeat a macro per se unless you have another macro with a repeat which runs the second macro which wouldn't make a lot of sense. It's better to repeat a routine within the macro. Whatever is in your macro now insert a Repeat Strat at the beginning and a Repeat End at the end.


    FWIW having huge itterations of repeats often cause troubles. Try using the scheduler instead. For instance I have macros that need to effectively run forever but I want to be able to run macros inbetween. So I schedule the macro to run every 60 seconds.


    Also if you need to repeat indefinately you can use the Repeat Until command and use the condition T1 <> T1. That is T1 not equal to T1. I use this all the time. Then I usually have an If test in there and if it's true issue a break command.


    Check out the tutorials online, I think there are some cool examples of repeats there.

  10. I would look in the registry for the color depth. I know it's stored in there per user but I'm not sure where. I'm sure if you did a web search you couldfind the key. Also you could try running regmon and changing the color depth and see what happens.

  11. Finally solved. IMHO ME caches control handles and they are never cleared until ME is restarted. Also the “Clear Control Variables” does not work. I’ve tried a gazillion things and put about 6 hours into solving this multiple window problem and I finally found a solution. I tried setting the control window text to a variable and found that it does not work. At some point I tried using the Control Modify Window Title before but about 10% of the time it returned “Control not found” errors. Finally I was able to come up with a combination that appears to work reliably.


    I first set a string variable T1 to the top window’s title. Then I do a “Get Control” with “ – Message” as a partial match. This could return the control for the top window but often returns the control that is cached thus the bane of my days here recently. You would think you could stuff T1 in there but you would be wrong. <g> Now I use the Variable Modify Control – Modify Top-Level Window Title and set it to T1 and Exact. Now when I Variable Get Control Text I reliably get the control text from the top window.


    I’m still disappointed with the fact that the clear variables doesn’t do anything and that the ME caches control handles and doesn’t refresh them when one issues a GC command but I’ll save that for another day. I just wanted to post this fix for any future folks who might have the same problem.

  12. Great, if you can move files this makes life a lot easier. In my fax macro I have a ‘received’ and ‘notified’ folder. The macro monitors the received folder where a huge MFP drops faxes into as PDFs. All users have the same macro running but depending on who is selected as the fax monitor it just bails out unless you are the chosen one. So the ‘chosen one’ gets an alert and ME pops open the PDF for the user and asks for some info like who it’s for and any special notes and then renames the file a certain way and moves it to the ‘notified’ folder and an email is sent to all the users selected by the chosen one with a hypertext link to the file.


    As for the folder monitoring part I have the macro run on a schedule every few minutes and it runs a routine to get the first file name in the folder. That was the part I mentioned before. Repeat with folder, Break, Repeat End.This is just a quick and sleazy way to get the first file name. Let’s say we put that in T1. If there are no files the variable will be blank. So then I use an “If” to check for blank. E.g.: If T1 = “” then Macro Stop. This way the macro aborts silently if there are on files. Also it’s simple because we don’t really need an “Else” argument. I like an elegant series of commands like these. If the macro continues then the case is that there is a file and you can use T1 to do whatever you need. When you are done with it move it to a ‘processed’ folder or whatever. It would look like this in the script editor:


    Repeat with Folder


    Repeat End

    If Variable %T1% = ""

    Macro Stop

    End If

    Text Box Display: Results


    You can copy and paste this part into a new macro file if you would like to get touchy feely.


    <REP3:07:000002:000001:0001:0:01:C:\><BREAK><ENDREP><IFVAR2:1:01:1:><MSTOP><ENDIF><TBOX4:T:1:CenterCenter000278000200:000:Results%T1% is the first file in the root of your hard drive. From here you can do whatever you need with it. Once done you move your file to a different folder.>

  13. Wahoo, I had a break thru! Ah it all seems so clear now. However I still have some residual issues.


    It seemed that the controls were being got by different addresses and maybe OL was assigning new addresses for each window opened but I did a battery of test in the form of opening window A, run control macro. Open B, run control macro. Close B or A and run and eventually I saw a pattern. It’s ME that’s causing my pain! If you run a GC (Get Control) with multiple windows from the same app and a partial match (“message” in this case) which matches multiple windows it drills down and gets the control handle for that window. If you move to the second window and run it the dang thing still returns the value in the first window. What is happening is that ME is remembering the handle and isn’t doing the “Get” part of the command again. It’s cached somewhere. It could reside in there for weeks! To make along and boring story short I wrote a macro that does a GC and displays the control text to me. Then it restarts ME at the very end. Now with that macro I can move from any number of open windows to another in any order and run this macro and it always returns the value in the control of the top window!


    I’ve been told that ME clears all it’s variables on each run but it’s apparent that this does not hold true for the control handles got by GC. It could be days later and ME will still be using the same handle. But kill ME and it flushes this cache and now GC gets the handle of the control in the top window. Why would they do this anyway?


    Now for the practicalities. My solution of restarting ME is a pain. If the backups are enabled it prompts. Also if I wanted to loop I couldn’t. Not sure if I do yet but… I tried resetting hooks and preferences but that doesn’t hack it either. Is there some way to clear this cache w/o restarting ME every time the macro runs?


    Maybe this is a bug?

  14. I was just looking at your list and you can get all of this from the header I think. My macro is using windows controls to grab the From, To, Subject, and Sent text values. It works much better than mouse clicking and requires no user intervention. My only problem is when the user has more than one message open at a time but I think I'll put in a routine that plows thru all the windows titles and ensures only one with the text " - Message (" appears. Otherwise the controls thing isn't reliable.

  15. I'm writing a similar macro now. Although I have no solution to the additional fields, I'm wrestling with control handles in multiple windows, I would like to suggest you save it as an .MSG file instead. We were going to do PDF as most of our documentation is that way but it doesn’t preserve the attachments like an MSG file. Also a “File Save as” is very simple.


    Let me know if you come up with some cool script. I was using the controls to grab the date and subject but ME gets confused with multiple windows open and I'm trying to find a work-a-round.

  16. I have some macros that do this and it's pretty easy. Run your macro on a schedule and create an infinite repeat loop. You can do this by using ‘repeat until’ and set the argument to T1<>T1. This means T1 does not equal T1 which of course can never be. Then in that loop add a sleazy ‘repeat with folder’. What I do is ‘repeat with folder’, then ‘break’, then end repeat. This gives me the full file name and path for the first file in the folder and keeps moving on. Let’s say we store that in T3. I then add an ‘If T2=””’ meaning if the variable T2 from the repeat with folder is empty. In the If –Endif I put another break. This way when the folder is empty it bails out. After this but before the last repeat end I would us the “Activate or Launch” to open my file and do whatever next. Let’s say it’s a PDF you want to save as HTML. You don’t need to specify Acrobat.exe and all that jazz. Simply use the “Launch Program only” and put T2 in there. The title is misleading. As long as there is a file association from PDF to Acrobat you only need specify the file name in the Program path/Name field. Now just text type the commands to do the ‘save as’ and close the file. Then you can move, delete or whatever before the final repeat end.

  17. On my way up to Chino I thought of something else for you. I have a macro that monitors for faxes in a folder. Instead of doing the list comparison game I found it easier to use folder manipulations. So the faxes arrive in the ‘received’ folder and the macro looks for any new arrivals. When it finds them id does a little song and dance and moves them to a ‘notified’ folder. I don’t know if this is something you could implement but it makes life a lot easier.

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