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Start new Chrome incognito window, and log into a Gmail acct

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Can Macro Express Pro start a new Chrome incognito window, and then log into a Gmail acct (inserting the username and password, when requested)?


If the answer is yes, I would appreciate any tips about how to do that.


Thank you for any help you can give me.


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In the Chrome Help you can find the keyboard shortcuts. For Incognito it's Ctrl + Shift + n. My first thing I do when writing macros for an application is to find a reference for all the keyboard shortcuts. Then you can also use the shortcuts in Gmail

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search for command in the program


you can use "launch program and activate" and browse for chrome.exe

add keyboard shortcut to launch incognito using ctrl+shift+n

then browse for gmail

add wait or put the command for complete load of page

then use TAB key to find username.... and so on


I will try to attach the macro now!

import the file and run it

put your comment


there are some typical things that you may add to it,

like maximizing the windows using keyboard shortcuts

and if you have multiple profiles on chrome, you may choose among them, and so on!


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