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Help With Mouse Move Getting Over A Specific Color


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I've been trying to write a fairly basic macro in which it would move the mouse cursor over a specific pixel color, left-click, wait thirty seconds, and repeat. While most of this would be very simple to execute, i'm having problems finding out how to get the Move Mouse command to move over a specific pixel color. I've tried looking through the in-program help and searching through previous posts in the forums, but I couldn't find any previous posts asking this sort of question. If anyone could help me out with this, or direct me to a previous post or help file entry where it explains how to do something like this, i'd really appreciate it.

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I guess in your case you will need to scan over an area of your screen

to locate the specific color & then proceed. (hope this helps)


This is a copy of a previous msg I sent (WHEN USING NEWSGROUPS!!!!) as regards tray icons: methods to determine & select screen colors.


Some guy Kevin :-) suggested a method for locating an icon the



"I do not have a suggestion about how to reliably activate programs by

clicking on the system tray because, as you point out, the icons are

not in consistent locations. The only thing I can think of is to use

the Get Pixel Color command to see if a specific icon is in a certain

location. However, this would be cumbersome and you would have to

check enough pixels to distinguish one icon from any number of other



Ya, cumbersome. But possible with a lot of patience .......

These are my test/samples I finally built:

1st one shows the colors at many locations on the tray.

2nd one actually auto-searches for the colors.



1.FIND the colors of the icons:


// Ctrl-W is hot key

// use Scroll lock & Pause/Break to cancel

// Method to determine (2) EXACT colors at a toggling (or not) icon

// { Enable 'repeat' & 'dec' below to step thru all combinations}


// EXAMPLE.....

// To get MacroExpress icon (find a color pair for it's icon):

// Turn OFF: options, preferences, appearance, 'system tray' 'show running icon'


// If MacroExpress icon is 2nd from the right,

// at aprox left (992/990) N4 =16711680/ N5=8421376

// at aprox left (991) N4 =8421376/ N5=16711680

// [ 12632256 appears to be Win98 BACKGROUND!!!!! ]


// screen is set at 1024 x 768

// use mouse locator 1st to get location

// Set N9 to lowest possible horizontal location of search (800?)

//(disabled)Variable Set Integer %N9% to 800

Variable Set Integer %N9% to 970

// set N3 to 'upper' row (aprox 746-767)

Variable Set Integer %N3% to 755

// set N2 to 'lower' row (aprox 746-767)

Variable Set Integer %N2% to 760

// Set N1 to highest possible horizontal location of search (1024?)

// or for 1 specific location, set N1 to the horizontal location of search

// (a toggling icon, for example; don't allow decrement)

//(disabled)Variable Set Integer %N1% to 1024

Variable Set Integer %N1% to 1010

// Enable below items [repeat & dec] to step/ 'loop' thru tray

Repeat Until %N1% = %N9%

Variable Modify Integer: Dec (%N1%)

Mouse Move Screen %N1%, %N2%

Get Pixel: Under Mouse into %N4%

Mouse Move Screen %N1%, %N3%

Get Pixel: Under Mouse into %N5%

// move mouse out of the way to observe w/o pop-up msg

Mouse Move Position 0, 8

Text Box Display: variables

Text Box Close:

Repeat End

Sound Wave File: Utopia Exclamation.wav

Text Box Display: Done....




<REM2: Ctrl-W is hot key><REM2: use Scroll lock & Pause/Break to cancel><REM2:Method to determine (2) EXACT colors at a toggling (or not) icon><REM2: { Enable 'repeat' & 'dec' below to step thru all combinations}><REM2: ><REM2:EXAMPLE.....><REM2: To get MacroExpress icon (find a color pair for it's icon):><REM2:Turn OFF: options, preferences, appearance, 'system tray' 'show running icon'><REM2: ><REM2: If MacroExpress icon is 2nd from the right, ><REM2: at aprox left (992/990) N4 =16711680/ N5=8421376><REM2: at aprox left (991) N4 =8421376/ N5=16711680><REM2: [ 12632256 appears to be Win98 BACKGROUND!!!!! ]><REM2: ><REM2: screen is set at 1024 x 768><REM2: use mouse locator 1st to get location><REM2:Set N9 to lowest possible horizontal location of search (800?)><DIS:<IVAR2:09:01:800><IVAR2:09:01:970><REM2:set N3 to 'upper' row (aprox 746-767)><IVAR2:03:01:755><REM2:set N2 to 'lower' row (aprox 746-767)><IVAR2:02:01:760><REM2:Set N1 to highest possible horizontal location of search (1024?)><REM2: or for 1 specific location, set N1 to the horizontal location of search ><REM2: (a toggling icon, for example; don't allow decrement)><DIS:<IVAR2:01:01:1024><IVAR2:01:01:1010><REM2:Enable below items [repeat & dec] to step/ 'loop' thru tray><REP3:08:000001:000002:0001:1:01:N9><NMVAR:09:01:0:0000001:0:0000000><MMS2:1N,2N><GETPXM:4><MMS2:1N,3N><GETPXM:5><REM2:move mouse out of the way to observe w/o pop-up msg><MMP2:0,8><TBOX4:T:1:000060000428000293000218:001:variablesCOLUMN n1= %N1%


ROW, lower n2= %N2% color, lower n4= %N4%


ROW, upper n3= %N3% color, upper n5= %N5%


Select the combination you want to find:

<Spc> to step thru

(write them down on a REAL notepad...)><TBCLOSE:><ENDREP><WAV2:C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\Utopia Exclamation.wav><TBOX4:T:1:000371000455000278000200:001:Done....COLUMN n1= %N1%


ROW, lower n2= %N2% color, lower n4= %N4%


ROW, upper n3= %N3% color, upper n5= %N5%






2. GET the colors:


// Sample__GET MacEx Variable Icon inTrayNotifyWnd

// Ctrl-Z

// Method to find an icon that may display various pairs of

// colors in the TrayNotifyWnd

// can also find just 1.....


// Also example of 'nested repeats' & early exits


If Not Program Name "MACEXP.EXE" running

Macro Stop

End If

//(disabled) Macro Playback Speed: 7 Times Slower than Normal

//(disabled) Mouse Speed: 5 Milliseconds

// set outer repeat loop size...(If missed 1st time thru, do again)

Variable Set Integer %N10% to 10

Repeat Until %N10% = 0


// set upper row

Variable Set Integer %N3% to 755

// set lower row

Variable Set Integer %N2% to 760

// set left column limit (final set to 850)

Variable Set Integer %N9% to 970

// set start/right column (final set to 1024)

Variable Set Integer %N1% to 1024

// set primary repeat loop limit

Repeat Until %N1% = %N9%

// decrement counter N1 (move left)

Variable Modify Integer: Dec (%N1%)

// move mouse to lower position

Mouse Move Screen %N1%, %N2%

// get pixel in lower location N2 to N4

Get Pixel: Under Mouse into %N4%

// move mouse to upper position

Mouse Move Screen %N1%, %N3%

// get pixel in upper location N3 to N5

Get Pixel: Under Mouse into %N5%

// Show what we have HERE (disable text box for speed)

Text Box Display: variables

// TextBoxClose Absolutely needed to prevent multiple OPEN windows!!!!!!

Text Box Close: variables


// check for possible sets

// start of set 1

If Variable %N4% = 8421376


If Variable %N5% = 16711680

// if found, set flag for found search

Variable Set Integer %N10% to 11


Sound Beep

// & exit out of inner loop

Repeat Exit

End If

// end of set 1


If Variable %N4% = 16711680


If Variable %N5% = 255

Sound Beep

Variable Set Integer %N10% to 11

Repeat Exit

End If

// etc

If Variable %N4% = 16711680


If Variable %N5% = 8421376

Sound Beep

Variable Set Integer %N10% to 11

Repeat Exit

End If


// inner loop exit

Repeat End

// is flag set for found ?

If Variable %N10% = 11

// Yes: jump past next repeat end

Repeat Exit

End If

// N1 must = N9

// wasn't found; decrement & run thru scan again

Variable Modify Integer: Dec (%N10%)

//(disabled) Text Box Display: vars

//(disabled) Text Box Close: vars

// outer loop exit

Repeat End

// is flag set for found ?

If Variable %N10% = 11

// yes: Do your operations on the item

Sound Wave File: Musica Default.wav

Mouse Move Position 0, 8

Text Box Display: Got it !!!

//(disabled) Mouse Right Button Click

//(disabled) Delay 1 Seconds

//(disabled) Mouse Left Button Click

//(disabled) Wait For Window Title: "close application - SNET internet caller ID"

//(disabled) Text Type: <TAB><ENTER>

Macro Stop

End If

// search failed find

Text Box Display: Couldn't find those combinations




<REM2:Sample__GET MacEx Variable Icon inTrayNotifyWnd><REM2:Ctrl-Z><REM2:Method to find an icon that may display various pairs of><REM2: colors in the TrayNotifyWnd><REM2: can also find just 1.....><REM2:><REM2:Also example of 'nested repeats' & early exits><REM2:><IFOTH:14:1:MACEXP.EXE><MSTOP><ENDIF><DIS:<SPEED:00007><DIS:<SPMSE:00005><REM2:set outer repeat loop size...(If missed 1st time thru, do again)><IVAR2:10:01:10><REP3:08:000001:000002:0010:0:01:0><REM2:><REM2:set upper row><IVAR2:03:01:755><REM2:set lower row><IVAR2:02:01:760><REM2:set left column limit (final set to 850)><IVAR2:09:01:970><REM2:set start/right column (final set to 1024)><IVAR2:01:01:1024><REM2:set primary repeat loop limit><REP3:08:000001:000002:0001:1:01:N9><REM2:decrement counter N1 (move left)><NMVAR:09:01:0:0000001:0:0000000><REM2:move mouse to lower position><MMS2:1N,2N><REM2:get pixel in lower location N2 to N4><GETPXM:4><REM2:move mouse to upper position><MMS2:1N,3N><REM2:get pixel in upper location N3 to N5><GETPXM:5><REM2:Show what we have HERE (disable text box for speed)><TBOX4:F:3:000593000215000278000200:001:variablesn1 %N1% n10 %N10%

n2 %N2%

n3 %N3%

n4 %N4%

n5 %N5%

><REM2:TextBoxClose Absolutely needed to prevent multiple OPEN windows!!!!!!><TBCLOSE:variables><REM2:><REM2:check for possible sets><REM2: start of set 1><IFVAR2:2:04:1:8421376><AND><IFVAR2:2:05:1:16711680><REM2: if found, set flag for found search><IVAR2:10:01:11><REM2:><BEEP><REM2: & exit out of inner loop><EXITREP><ENDIF><REM2: end of set 1><REM2:><IFVAR2:2:04:1:16711680><AND><IFVAR2:2:05:1:255><BEEP><IVAR2:10:01:11><EXITREP><ENDIF><REM2: etc><IFVAR2:2:04:1:16711680><AND><IFVAR2:2:05:1:8421376><BEEP><IVAR2:10:01:11><EXITREP><ENDIF><REM2: ><REM2:inner loop exit><ENDREP><REM2:is flag set for found ?><IFVAR2:2:10:1:11><REM2:Yes: jump past next repeat end><EXITREP><ENDIF><REM2:N1 must = N9><REM2:wasn't found; decrement & run thru scan again><NMVAR:09:10:0:0000001:0:0000000><DIS:<TBOX4:T:2:000087000448000278000200:005:varsn1 %N1% n10 %N10%

n2 %N2%

n3 %N3%

n4 %N4%

n5 %N5%

><DIS:<TBCLOSE:vars><REM2:outer loop exit><ENDREP><REM2:is flag set for found ?><IFVAR2:2:10:1:11><REM2: yes: Do your operations on the item><WAV2:C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\Musica Default.wav><MMP2:0,8><TBOX4:T:4:000590000220000278000200:005:Got it !!!n1 %N1% n10 %N10%

n2 %N2%

n3 %N3%

n4 %N4%

n5 %N5%

><DIS:<RCLK><DIS:<IDELAY:1><DIS:<LCLK><DIS:<WAITWIN2:000000:000010:close application - SNET internet caller ID><DIS:<TEXTTYPE:<TAB><ENTER>><MSTOP><ENDIF><REM2:search failed find ><TBOX4:T:1:000708000271000278000200:035:Couldn't find those combinationsn1 %N1% n10 %N10%

n2 %N2%

n3 %N3%

n4 %N4%

n5 %N5%



Your color combinations WILL vary.....

rsvp the ""newsgroup"" please

I use these to 'kill' various programs that don't want to quit.

(ZA free is a GREAT example)

(do you really, really want me to terminate?????)

(answer Yes or NO then press enter)

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