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Open Second Website In A New Window


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If I open a website with my default browser (Mozilla) and want to open a second website in a new window, unfortunately I see only one way: I have to use a different browser program, because Mozilla will just use the same window of the first website for the second website also instead of opening 2 different windows.


I haven't found a way to force my default browser to open different windows and the ME hasn't got such an option "force new window" in the "HTTP2:2:T:http://..."-command either.


Finally in my attached ME macro Ctrl+Alt+Tab described in GERMAN with pictures on my website under iRaTe2 TonAufnahme for RECORDING Internet Jazz streams,

the captured mouse movement doesn't look bad, but is a bit too long.


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I use IE 6 as my default browser. I use the below command to ensure that a new IE browser window is open with the web page I have defined in the parameter setting.

Program Launch: "IEXPLORE.EXE"

<LAUNCHDEL2:0:01C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE<PARAM>http://www.google.com/advanced_search>

If you are using a different browser, as long as it as you can launch it with the appropriate parameter, it should work also.

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IE has an option for that ... if I translate the french text, it should be something like Internet Options / "advanced" tab / "reuse windows to launch links" ... untick this option and Windows will use a new IE window for every page


I suppose you should find the same option in Mozilla

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