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Mouse Activated Macro Operation


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I have a mouse activacted macro.


I have set Windows to use single clicking.


I am using it with Opera 7.52 to click on links in web pages. I have a mouse activated program specific macro. The macro sets shift down to open the link in a new page.


I have discovered that Opera gets the click and that Macro Express does not keep the click from Opera. I know this because I discovered that if I put a click in the macro, the link opens in two windows. Thus my macro consists of a shift down, a delay of 800 ms. empirically determined, and then a shift up and no mouse click.


This macro works works about 60 % of the time.


The first question that I have goes to how is a mouse activated macro supposed to work? Is the macro supposed to be something concurrently executed with what the application does on a click? Or, is Macro Express supposed to trap the click and pass on to the application only what the macro wants to do?


Or is this not a question of what Macro Express is supposed to do but one of what the other programs do and whether or not they get ahead of Macro Express in the chain?


I looked but could not find any settings anywhere apparently relating to these issues.

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A mouse activated macro works like the "Or" part of your first question:

Or, is Macro Express supposed to trap the click and pass on to the application only what the macro wants ...

Are you saying that within Opera, a Shft+Left-click is used to open the underlying link in a new page? If so, then you might want to try a Delay of 500ms as the first line in the macro, then shift-down, mouse click, and a shift-up. Like so:

Delay 500 Milliseconds
Shift Key Down
 Mouse Left Button Click
Shift Key Up


The reason for the delay at the beginning is to allow the system some breathing time between using the mouse to activate the macro and then stuffing it with a "click" when the macro runs.


Also, I would set macro to be scoped to the Opera window, which will prevent it from being accidently invoked when Opera is not running.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Floyd, are you saying that if a macro is set to activate with a mouse click, and you click on a button on the screen, that button should not respond to the click, because macro express will "trap" it? In other words, if I set a macro to be activated when I click on the Printer Icon in Microsoft Word, and the only line in the script was to play a wave file for example, then the file should not actually print, because the macro will trap the click?


That is what I am getting from reading this thread. If I am reading it correctly, I am a little confused, because I created a macro back in the days when I was using dial-up. I set a macro to be activated when I clicked on my dial-up icon in the quick launch bar, and the dial-up connection box displayed each time. In other words, the macro would activate, AND the button would activate simultaneously.


Am I understanding this correctly?

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IceBox -


:o Yep, I got it backwards, didn't I? Macro Express does pass the mouse click through to the underlying application. So, you are correct. Thanks for pointing it out.


The answer to Nevada should have been the first part of his first question was the correct assumption:

the macro IS supposed to be something concurrently executed with what the application does on a click.
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