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Two Windows With The Same Name


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I've been using Macro Express for 3 months and it has shortened the time it takes me to do most tasks. I've recently run into a problem, however.


I have the same program running in two different windows, each connected to a different server. The two windows have identical names. I would like to give commands to each window separately from within a macro, but the identical names is a problem. Is there a way to refer to windows by handle or to change the name of one of the windows using external software? Right now I am relying on keeping track of which window is on top but its a pretty fragile scheme that fouls up a lot.


Your help is appreciated.

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As you may have already noticed, when you have two windows open with identical names, an "Activate" command from ME, will activate the window that was last active. Maybe this info would be helpful in figuring out which window is opening. Also, if it is practical for the task you are trying to perform, and you always have your windows layered in the same order, you can use <ALT><TAB> or <ALTD><TAB><TAB><ALTU> to switch to the correct window.


What program are you using? Maybe somebody in the forum knows a way to change the title for that specific program?


I also found a program called "TweakWindow" that has the capability to change window titles. You can get a free trial at:


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What program are you using? Maybe somebody in the forum knows a way to change the title for that specific program?


I use AutoIt to perform certain task and even sometimes use it along with ME.

AutoIt is a free scripting tool and can rename Window Titles among many other tasks.


AutoIt Example code from AutoIt Help file:

WinSetTitle, <Window Title>, [Window Text], <New Title>

Use this command to rename a window.

Run, notepad.exe
WinWaitActive, Untitled - Notepad
WinSetTitle, Untitled - Notepad,, Renamed Notepad!

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