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CPU Usage 100%


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Hello All!


I shouldn't have spoken about 46,000 taking 6 minutes. Now all of a sudden my computer freezes trying that very same program!


My CPU usage goes to 100% and locks everything else out. Freezes the system completely.


And yes, it is Macro Express. I delete everything else that is running leaving Macro Express as the last program.


What can I do? I restarted my computer a few times, but to no avail.



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OK Kevin!


I never saw that webpage before! It has some interesting things. I am going to experiment with the text to voice stuff. Interesting!


Nevertheless, I experiemented with just your average everday repeat with folder and looked at the task manager to see how much my CPU jumped after using tweakme3. I set it for 1. So it's the lowest it can go.


I tried a Repeat with folder on over 46,000 files. The CPU jumped from 4% to 44% and then came down.


What is so different with that and with this?


<REM2:Opens and Copies Files Names to Clipboard><LAUNCHDEL2:0:01C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\All file Names.txt><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:All file Names - Notepad><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL>a><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL>c><WMIN:All file Names - Notepad><TVAR2:05:03:><REM2:Look into Text File(Count Total) for Initial Number of Files to Compare To><BTFBEG:003:000001:000000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\Count Total Files in Favorites.txt><TMVAR2:05:03:02:000:000:><BTFEND><IVAR2:01:01:1><REM2:Sets the CRLF><ASCIIC:95:1:13><ASCIIC:96:1:10><TVAR2:95:01:%T95%%T96%><REM2:Begins the Process of Counting/Creating New Text File of Updated File Count><REP3:07:000004:000001:0001:0:01:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Favorites><NMVAR:08:01:0:0000001:0:0000000><TMVAR2:08:01:95:000:000:><TMVAR2:08:02:01:000:000:><ENDREP><REM2:Saves New File Names To Text File(Revolving it)><TMVAR2:17:02:00:000:000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\All file Names.txtF><REM2:Convert File Count to %Text%><NMVAR:05:01:0:0000004:0:0000000><REM2:Saves New File Count(Overrides old number)><TMVAR2:17:04:00:000:000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\Count Total Files in Favorites.txtF><REM2:Subtracts Difference of Old File Count to New File Count><NMVAR:02:03:1:0000001:1:0000002><DIS:<IFVAR2:4:04:7:T5><REM2:Removes Old Files and Comes Up with Newest File Names><TMVAR2:11:05:00:001:N02:><TMVAR2:09:07:05:000:000:><TMVAR2:21:07:01:000:000: %T95%><DIS:<ENDIF><REM2:Text Box Sums Up Difference and Displays Newest Files><TBOX4:T:1:CenterCenter000350000200:000:Number of Files CopiedThere were %N1% files copied

You have added %N3% new files since last update

The files added were: 

%T7%><REM2:Closes Minimized Text File><WCLS:All file Names - Notepad>



This macro immediately jumps to 100% and doesn't let go. For what it's worth, there isn't much to this macro, correct?


Any ideas from your knowledgeable mind would help.






By the way, why can't we send keystrokes to hidden controls? Is that something in the making?

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No dice. It doesn't slow down the CPU to a lower number.


Now, I went my first post and Scaspar gave me an alternative http://pgmacros.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3342.


I didn't go through the entire macro line-by-line, but I noticed right away that the CPU resources were not even affected by his. Why?


By the way, thanks Scaspar. You actually helped a lot.


But this question goes to Kevin and the staff at ME.


Can you test these two and tell me why does one clog the system resources and why the other does not even yawn?


And don't tell me that it was my tough luck! :)


Well, knowing my luck, I was the one that came up with mine!


Can you experiment with this Kevin or anyone? Why?





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