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Mouse Pointer Gets Stuck

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Hey Everybody,


I recently got an upgraded computer here at work (finally, I might add). And it is fantastic. I've gone from 512 to 2G of RAM, and now have dual monitor support and I just absolutely love my set-up.


Unfortunately, there has been one major drawback. My mouse doesn't behave. Specifically: if I don't use the mouse for, say 2-3 minutes (as I prefer keyboard shortcuts and run a lot of macros), but then need the mouse, it can take as long as 5 seconds or so before the mouse pointer actually starts to move on my screen. Some of the movement is buffered (I guess), and the pointer eventually gets to wherever I moved it (though it is difficult to be exact when I can't see it moving), but mouse-clicks don't catch up. So if the pointer is where I want it, but non-responsive, I'll click several times before the clicks start getting noticed by the PC. (The 2-3 minutes is a rough average, I've left the mouse for much longer than that without the pointer getting stuck... it's very inconsistent.)


Specs and attempted fixes:

* I'm using the same mouse (Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 2.0).

* Before the upgrade I was using the PS2 port to connect the wireless hub, as the old tower didn't have any free USB slots. On the new machine I am using the USB connection (default for the hub).

* The old computer didn't have the Intellimouse 6.x drivers and it worked fine, so I figured that wasn't the problem... still I installed them on the new machine to see if that fixed the problem. It did not.

* Intellimouse 6.x driver allows me to see the battery level of my mouse - level displays as "Good." Nevertheless, I switched to brand-new batteries, just in case: No improvement.

* Mouse commands within macros do not appear to be affected (thankfully!)


My next move will be to switch back to the PS2 port.


A co-worker suggested my mouse may be "going to sleep to preserve battery life." I've never had a mouse hibernate on me before. I have the same mouse set-up at home, without any similar problems (also using USB). If that is the problem, how do I turn that off, or extend the delay before hibernation occurs? And why has it never happened before (at work or at home)?


I did a google search for "mouse pointer sticks" and "mouse sticks" and got a whole lot of irrelevant hits. Can anybody here point me in a new direction? I hate to bug our IT guys here at work (they're not actually on site unless they are setting up a new work-station).


If, after I switch back to the PS2 port, the problem is resolved, I'll post a retraction and apology for wasting PGM space with unrelated problems... Heck, I apologize for it anyway, but any help would be truly appreciated.

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I hate to bug our IT guys here at work (they're not actually on site unless they are setting up a new work-station).

Can't help specifically, but if the IT guys are "bugged" by your problem (i.e. can't be bothered) then they would do well to find other employment. Isn't it their job to solve computer related problems? Truly. ... I'm just saying.

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Can't help specifically, but if the IT guys are "bugged" by your problem (i.e. can't be bothered) then they would do well to find other employment. Isn't it their job to solve computer related problems? Truly. ... I'm just saying.

Honestly, I agree with you completely. Unfortunately they aren't located on site, and there are only 11 of them assigned cover a geographic area stretching from Boise, ID to Cedar City, UT; I believe only 2 of them are assigned to cover Layton, UT to SLC (where I am). They are generally swamped... and are primarily hard-ware boys. Frankly, I think they are dangerously understaffed.


The phone support IT department specializes in keeping the horde of internal applications running smoothly.


As an update, I did switch back to the PS2 port and haven't had a problem since. I think it's a USB issue. The port may have been USB 1... I don't know. But I don't mind using the PS2, as long as the mouse is working right.

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