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Win 7 X64 Oddities.


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Using Macro Express version 3.7d build 1 on Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Edition.


There are two issues I'm experiencing since upgrading from Vista X64:


- I have the numeric keypad programmed with macro keys to insert my name, address etc.. Now when I press for example 7 on the numeric keypad Macro Express will insert the number 7 & the programmed Macro. For example hitting 7 on the numeric keypad gives me "7Bob Smith" when Macroexpress used to simply insert "Bob Smith" under Windows Vista X64.


- Second issue is that I programmed F5 (Function Key 5) for my email address under Vista 64. Now under Windows 7 the first time I hit F5 the Window screen refresh occurs and the second time it works. Next time it does the Windows screen refresh again and the second F5 keypress wil work.


I have reinstalled Macroexpress again from "scratch" and currently running Macroexpress under Windows XP SP-3 compatibility mode.

Any advice is much appreciated,

Thanks - Kim

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Hi Kim,


The best responses are, without a doubt, going to come from somebody like Kevin or Stan, who actually work for Insight Software Solutions. However, I have my own theory for you:


3.7d has been out since before Windows 7 was even a blip on the radar screen. With the launch of Macro Express Pro (ME 4.x), I don't know how much focus ISS is giving ME 3. It is still supported, and I imagine they are working on tweaks to make ME3 compatible with Win7. However, it's also possible that they figure anybody willing to upgrade their OS is probably going to be willing to upgrade their Macro Express.


But that's just me speculating. I've dealt with some of these guys and they're on the ball. If a fix for ME3 compatibility with Win7 is on the wind, they'll tell us about it, I'm sure. If not, they'll confirm my speculation.

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Using Macro Express version 3.7d build 1 on Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Edition.


There are two issues I'm experiencing since upgrading from Vista X64:


- I have the numeric keypad programmed with macro keys to insert my name, address etc.. Now when I press for example 7 on the numeric keypad Macro Express will insert the number 7 & the programmed Macro. For example hitting 7 on the numeric keypad gives me "7Bob Smith" when Macroexpress used to simply insert "Bob Smith" under Windows Vista X64.


Don't have either Vista or Win 7, but two longshots:

1) I don't suppose you've somehow switched from hotkey to shortkey, and the setting to 'do not remove shortkeys typed' has somehow become enabled?

2) Try adding a 100 ms delay as the very first command, in case Win 7 is somehow less tolerant about this.


- Second issue is that I programmed F5 (Function Key 5) for my email address under Vista 64. Now under Windows 7 the first time I hit F5 the Window screen refresh occurs and the second time it works. Next time it does the Windows screen refresh again and the second F5 keypress wil work.


You're braver than I am! I steer clear of hotkeys with widespread usage across Windows and most applications, and F5 would be one of them. If you must use F5 as a macro hotkey, try scoping it so that it only gets activated in situations where there's no ambiguity.



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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- I have the numeric keypad programmed with macro keys to insert my name, address etc.. Now when I press for example 7 on the numeric keypad Macro Express will insert the number 7 & the programmed Macro. For example hitting 7 on the numeric keypad gives me "7Bob Smith" when Macroexpress used to simply insert "Bob Smith" under Windows Vista X64.


- Second issue is that I programmed F5 (Function Key 5) for my email address under Vista 64. Now under Windows 7 the first time I hit F5 the Window screen refresh occurs and the second time it works. Next time it does the Windows screen refresh again and the second F5 keypress wil work.

These descriptions sound like two symptoms of the same issue. This is the first report of this behavior. We are working on a new version of Macro Express that contain changes to improve compatibility with Windows 7. We will look into the issue.


At this point we do not have a time frame for this new version. Questions regarding this new release should be directed to the Insight Software Solutions support people. See our Contact Us page for contact information.


Bug reports, including issues introduced by Windows 7, should be reported via our Report a Bug web page. You can also access this by clicking the 'Support' link from within Macro Express itself (Help, On The Web, Support) and then clicking on the 'Report a Bug' link.

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