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Rfc: Assign Macro To Toolbar Button


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Today, a growing number of programs allow the user do manage toolbars (i.e. hide/unhide, add/delete, change buttons etc.). For example, there are numerous tools available that let you easily create toolbars for IE.


As I am getting more and more forgettable about hotkeys I would appreciate if I could add a self defined button to a either an existing or new toolbar of a certain program and associate the button click with the execution of a macro.


The button should be specific (aka local) to a certain program. I could easily create a global toolbar myself and assign macros to it.

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I have not studied the possibilities of doing what you are asking. There may be a way to place Macro Express macros within the toolbars of other applications and I am just not aware of it.


You can, however, create your own macro toolbar using the icons only feature of the floating menu type macro. You can create a series of them that are targeted to only certain programs like Word, Excel, and so forth. The macros placed in a particular toolbar would of course be scoped to particular program. And you should be able to create a "controller" macro that enables and disables a particular toolbar when a program gains or loses focus.

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I have not organised my macros adequately by context to even attempt floating toolbars yet! - Sounds like a better idea!

I have done this for Office programs;

Here is a macro for Word03; (and 2 subs; one just checks that the correct Macro Library is loaded, one a pause 2 secs)). I have added them manually to the toolbar, (I have not automated adding them though it may be possible).

Sub MEchecker()


' RunME1 Macro

' Macro created 3/23/2005 by Randall Clapp


Dim MacEx3, strMacExpLoaded, strMacExp

strMacExpLoaded = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Insight Software Solutions" _

        & "\Macro Express\Miscellaneous\"

strMacExp = LCase(System.PrivateProfileString(FileName:="", _

        Section:=strMacExpLoaded, Key:="Current File"))

MacEx3 = "c:\program files\macro express3\"

If strMacExp <> MacEx3 + "formmaker14.mex" Then

    Shell (MacEx3 + "MacExp.exe" + " /F" + MacEx3 + "FormMaker14.mex")


    strMacExp = LCase(System.PrivateProfileString(FileName:="", _

        Section:=strMacExpLoaded, Key:="Current File"))

       MsgBox ("Not Loaded FormMaker14.mex" + strMacExp)

       GoTo ender3


       'MsgBox ("Loaded FormMaker14.mex")

End If

GoTo ender4


'MsgBox ("Error; ? Wrong macro Library loaded?" + ";" + strMacExp)


'MsgBox ("End of Sub2")

End Sub

Sub MEpauser2()


' Macro created 3/23/2005 by Randall Clapp


PauseTime = 2

    Start = Timer    ' Set start time.

        Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime

            DoEvents    ' Yield to other processes.


End Sub

Sub DestinationDirectory()


' DestinationDirectory Macro

' Macro created 3/23/2005 by Randall Clapp


Dim MacEx3, strSection, strPicker, strDestination

MacEx3 = "c:\program files\macro express3\"


On Error Resume Next

Shell (MacEx3 + "MEPROC.EXE /ADestinationXcopyGUI")

End Sub

You would just add the 3rd quoted macro to the toolbar, the first 2 subs just to the macrolist (the first checks the registry key for currently running library name) by "create" etc(my subs are called by a number of macros). (Obviously use your own library file and macro names as appropriate)


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And you should be able to create a "controller" macro that enables and disables a particular toolbar when a program gains or loses focus.

This controller macro proposal sounds like an acceptable workaround.


Of course I would prefer to work with a single window. But if it is possible to have the global toolbar always on top without stealing the focus from the application window that would be sufficient.



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