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Copy part of a text file by lines rather than amount of characters?


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Hello, stupid question.


Have a large text file that is an XML styled file with repeating nested tag style.

I would like save portions of the text file out to seperate text files.


The sections I want to save begin and end with a tag.









I am attempting to use the Text file process feature of Macro Express.

Silly question: How do I copy what is between the <dataset and </dataset> tags?, and save out as a textfile



I thought I could use the copy part of text file feature, and target the <dataset tag, and then specify the amount of lines, but thats when I got stuck, as it only has option to specify a fixed number of characters,

which differ radically between each dataset.


Please excuse my ignorance people, but is the above possible with Macro Express?.


Thankyou kindly for your time.



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Read the content of the file into a variable. Set one integer variable to the location of '<dataset'. Set another integer variable to the location of '</dataset>'. Then copy the data between. This untested sample should get you started:


// Read content of file into a variable
Variable Set String set %Content% to the contents of c:\TheFile.xml
Variable Set Integer %Start% to the position of "<dataset" in %Content% // Find position of <dataset
Variable Modify Integer: %Start% = %Start% + 8 // Adjust to skip over <dataset
Variable Set Integer %End% to the position of "</dataset>" in %Content% // find position of </dataset>

// Copy the data between the tags
Variable Modify String: Copy a substring in %Content%, starting at %Start% and %End% characters long to %OneTag%

After processing one tag you could delete it from the %Content% variable to get ready to process the next variable.

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