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Strange problem since windows 7


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I recently upgraded computers and went to windows 7, and now my macros don't seem to be passing text type. I have one macro that I use constatnly to send e-mail from thunder bird. It activates the window, and presses alt m then n to start a new message, but now it only activates the window, waits the alloted time then ends. Once it ends, my computer acts like the alt key is stuck down, even if I exit macro express. Any one have any ideas?

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These all worked fine under windows xp.

Windows 7 works differently than Windows XP. Just one example is the Aero interface. There can be a lot more going on between keystrokes requiring longer delays. Just because a macro worked under Windows XP doesn't mean it does not need adjustments for Windows 7.


Have you tried increasing the delays? You can always change them back if it doesn't help.

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Yep, I even tried increasing them to really high levels. Even with several seconds worth of delays, it still doesn't work. I even tried making a macro that opens notepad, and types only one letter. Even with a delay of 5 seconds between opening notepad (it opens almost instanly) and the typed letter, it's still not passing the keys. Other parts of the macro that don't involve typing seem to work fine, it's just anything that's typed is not being passed.

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I downloaded and tried that macro, and it doesn't work either. The first part of the macro, the part that checks to see if thunderbird is open and makes it the active window works, but the text typing does not, and after the macro runs, my keyboard acts like the alt key is stuck down. I also changed to a usb keyboard when I changed computers, could that have anything to do with it?

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Well I fixed it. It turns out that there is apparently some confilct between the latest version of Synergy, and macroexpress. I've used both side by side for years without any problems, but since I built my newest computer, I also updated my version of synergy. Without it running in the background, all of my macros now work fine. Just thought I would post this up in case any one else has a similar issue.

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