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Wait For Program To Terminate?


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Just got ME a couple wks ago, incredible program.


I want to logon to the net, run a stock data downloading program, then logoff when it's finished. I know how to do everything except get it to wait until the program is finished before logging off. I think I should use "Wait Program Terminate" but I don't know how to make Logoff wait for that to happen. Here's the commands as I have them in Script Editor:


Dial-Up Networking: RC

Program Launch: "EzDownloader.exe"

Wait Program Terminate: "C:\Trade\UA\EzDownloader.exe"

Dial-Up Networking: Hang Up


In Direct Editor:




Thanks for any help,


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Welcome hcour,


It looks like you dial-up the internet, then you go to the web site, and then launch the EzDownloader.exe program. What does this program do when it is done downloading your stock data? Does it stop and close itself automatically? What happens to the stock data. Does it get put into a file of some sort? How long does the download take?

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Hi. No there's no website. It's a program on my computer. When you launch it, it automatically starts downloading data, then closes itself when it finishes.


I don't know anything about programming, but I thought I'd need something like a "Then" statement, like this:


Wait Program Terminate: "C:\Trade\UA\EzDownloader.exe"


Dial-Up Networking: Hang Up


So it doesn't hangup until after the program terminates. But I can't find THEN in MacroExpress commands anywhere and I'm not sure how to use it in this case anyhow.




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