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Hi All,


Is there any way we can crack the password protected macro. I've couple of macro's which i need to modify but i can't open these macros.


Even you can't disable or delete these macro from the Macro Express. Any suggestions ?


Thanks in advance




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I have no idea and even if I did I'd be reticent to share! But if it's a legit accident and you can make a good case you might be able to get some help from ISS support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no idea and even if I did I'd be reticent to share! But if it's a legit accident and you can make a good case you might be able to get some help from ISS support.


Here's the reply which i got from ISS.


HI Gagandeep,


It requires programming time from our developers to remove old passwords. There is a fee of $50.00 USD to cover our costs to remove the password.


Please let me know if you have any questions.

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